- Turn the ignition key to the OFF position.- Disconnect the negative battery terminal.(Both) Op. 7065C33 SUN BLIND WITH COURTESY MIRROR AND COURTESY LIGHT ONE LH OR RH R R(all) Op. 7065C30 GRAB HANDLE (ONE) LEFT, RIGHT OR CENTRE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT INTERIOR - R.R Op. 7040E51 FRONT MODULAR COURTESY LIGHT ASSEMBLY - R R FOR VERSIONS WITH SUN-ROOF Op. 7040E46 REAR COURTESY LIGHT ASSEMBLY - R R1. Release the embellishment trim for the front sun roof (1a) and the rear sun roof (1b).
Op. 7040B26 LOAD PLATFORM COVER BLIND - R+R Op. 7040B42 PROTECTION GRILLE FOR ANIMAL TRANSPORT - R and R- Rotate the rear seat backrest.1. Move the upper covers (1a) for the load carrying compartment and the side bag modules (1b) for the rear seats aside.
(Both) Op. 7040B44 PROTECTIVE GRILL ATTACHMENT ONE R R(Both) Op. 7040H30 FRONT PILLAR TRIM (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R.(Both) Op. 7040H36 CENTRE PILLAR LOWER ELEMENT (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R(Both) Op. 7040H38 CENTRE PILLAR UPPER ELEMENT (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R(Both) Op. 7040H42 REAR PILLAR TRIM (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT- R.R(Both) Op. 7040H50 REAR PANEL (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R1. Release the seals for the front and rear doors and remove the roof lining (1a) passing it through the tailgate.

- Place the roof lining in its housing passing it through the tailgate.- Fit the front and rear door seals.(Both) Op. 7040H50 REAR PANEL (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R(Both) Op. 7040H42 REAR PILLAR TRIM (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT- R.R(Both) Op. 7040H38 CENTRE PILLAR UPPER ELEMENT (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R(Both) Op. 7040H36 CENTRE PILLAR LOWER ELEMENT (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R(Both) Op. 7040H30 FRONT PILLAR TRIM (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R. Op. 7040B44 PROTECTIVE GRILL ATTACHMENT ONE R R- Reposition the side bag modules for the rear seats and the upper covers for the load carrying compartment.- Reposition the rear seat backrest. Op. 7040B42 PROTECTION GRILLE FOR ANIMAL TRANSPORT - R and R Op. 7040B26 LOAD PLATFORM COVER BLIND - R+R- Reposition the embellishment trim for the front and rear sun roofs. Op. 7040E46 REAR COURTESY LIGHT ASSEMBLY - R R Op. 7040E51 FRONT MODULAR COURTESY LIGHT ASSEMBLY - R R FOR VERSIONS WITH SUN-ROOF Op. 7065C30 GRAB HANDLE (ONE) LEFT, RIGHT OR CENTRE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT INTERIOR - R.R Op. 7065C33 SUN BLIND WITH COURTESY MIRROR AND COURTESY LIGHT ONE LH OR RH R R- Connect the negative battery terminal.