talk unit H005 sends two earth signals, depending on left stalk wheel position, to the Body Computer M001:- from pin 5 of connector B, it sends pin 7 of connector I a signal to turn on the right turn signals (stalk up);- from pin 6 of connector B, it sends pin 30 of connector G a signal to turn on the left turn signals (stalk down);The enablement signal emitted when the key is turned ON in the ignition (INT) reaches the underfacia junction unit B002 at pin 11 of connector H. It then passes to Body Computer M001 (pin 9 of connector F).The hazard light activation signal reaches pin 34 of connector G of M001 from hazard light control key H020.Body Computer M001 manages activation of the turn signals respectively:- from pin 38 of connector B, turn signal of left headlamp F010;- from pin 39 of connector B, turn signal of right headlamp F011;- from pin 2 of connector A, left side turn signal F020;- from pin 22 of connector B, right side turn signal F021;- from pin 12 of connector D, turn signal of left tail-lightF030;- from pin 3 of connector D, turn signal of right tail-lightF031;Via the CAN line, Body Computer M001 (pins 5 and 6 of connector I) connects to instrument panel E050 (pins 3 and 4 of connector A), to manage the turn signal warning lights, buzzer and (if faults are detected in the circuit or bulbs), the exterior lighting warning light, in addition to all messages available on the display.A signal is sent from pin 29 of connector G of M001 to turn on the led on the key controlling hazard warning lights H020.