Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Fit the support tool (1a) on the cylinder head (1b) and place it in the vice.
1860470001SupportOverhaul cylinder head1.82.21.9 JTD 8V1.9 JTD 16V
1. Undo the protective plugs.2. Undo the bolts and remove the pullies.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the timing belt inner guard (1b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the phase transformer solenoid valves (1b).
- Undo the bolts and remove the engine lifting brackets.1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the timing sensors (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the thermostat unit (2b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the camshaft caps (1b).
The camshaft caps are numbered from 2 to 5, inlet side and from 6 to 9, exhaust side with the front cap, which is the same for both camshafts, being number 1.
The bolts securing the camshaft caps should be loosened in a spiral sequence starting from the caps on the outside in the following order: 5 - 2 - 4 - 3.
Mark the fitting position of the camshafts.
1. Remove the camshafts (1a) and oil seals (1b).
1. Remove the tappet cups.
1. Unscrew the spark plugs and remove them.
1. Fit the tool in the lower part of the cylinder head.
1860804001StandRemoving/refitting valves1.81.9 JTD 16V
1. Fit the cotters (1c) using the tools (1a) and (1b).
1860644001LeverRemoving/refitting valves1.81.9 JTD 16V
1870881000ChamberRemoving/refitting valves1.8
2. Remove the shim.3. Remove the valve spring.- Carry out the same operations for removing the remaining valves.- Remove the valve support fitted previously.4. Remove the valves.
1. Remove the valve guide oil seal (1a) using the tool (1b).
1870894000ExtractorValve guide oil seal extraction1.81.9 JTD 8V
- Carry out the same operations for removing the remaining oil seals.
- Remove the cylinder head from the support tool.    Op. 1016E14 VALVE GUIDES IN SINGLE CYLINDER HEAD - REPLACE DURING OP. 1016E10 Refitting ( Removing ) - Thoroughly clean the matching surfaces between the cylinder head and the engine block.- Check that the planarity of the lower cylinder head plane is within the recommended values, if this is not the case, replace the cylinder head (the cylinder head lower plane cannot be reground).
Cylinder head lower surface flatness (mm) 16V
- Fit the cylinder head support tool and place the assembly in a vice.- Check that the valves do not show signs of grooves or seizing.1. Check that the width of the valve bore in the cylinder head is within the recommended values.
Inlet valve seat width (mm)1.0 ÷ 1.41.8
Exhaust valve seat width (mm)1.8
2. Check that the angle of the valve bore in the cylinder head is within the recommended values.
Valve seat angle90° 30’1.8
- If the values are not within the recommended limits, replace the cylinder head.3. Check that the diameter of the valve head corresponds to the recommended figures.
Inlet valve head diameter (mm)30.7 ÷ 30.81.8
Exhaust valve head diameter (mm)27.1 ÷ 27.21.8
4. Check that the angle of the valve head is within the recommended values.
Valve head angle90° 40’1.8
5. Check that the diameter of the valve stem corresponds to the recommended figures.
Inlet valve stem diameter (mm)4.955 ÷ 4.9701.8
Exhaust valve stem diameter (mm)4.935 ÷ 4.9501.8
Valve stem diameter oversizes (mm)0.075/0.1501.8
- If the values are not within the recommended limits, replace the valves.
    Op. 1016E14 VALVE GUIDES IN SINGLE CYLINDER HEAD - REPLACE DURING OP. 1016E10- Place the valves in their seats and support them using the support tool.
1860804001StandRemoving/refitting valves1.81.9 JTD 16V
- Fit the valvel guide oil seal using the tool.
1870894000ExtractorValve guide oil seal extraction1.81.9 JTD 8V
- Fit the springs and the shim.- Position the lever fitted with an adaptor, compress the valve spring and fit the cotters.
1860644001LeverRemoving/refitting valves1.81.9 JTD 16V
1870881000ChamberRemoving/refitting valves1.8
- Proceed in a similar way and fit the remaining oil seals, springs, shims and cotters.- Undo the bolts and remove the valve support tool.
1860804001StandRemoving/refitting valves1.81.9 JTD 16V
- Fit the mechanical tappet cups.- Fit the inlet and exhaust side camshafts following the position marked during the dismantling.- Fit two new oil seals on the camshafts after having lubricated them with engine oil.- Apply a bead of silicon sealant to the matching surfaces of the camshaft front cap.- Place the camshaft front cap in position using the two centering bushes.- Place the camshaft caps in position, following the progressive numbers indicated during the removal.- Tighten the bolts fixing the camshaft caps to the recommended torque, following the spriral sequence from the inside towards te outside.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Camshaft capsBolt-0.81.8
1. Use a feeler gauge to check that the valve clearance is within the specified limits with the valves closed.
Inlet valve clearance in closed position (mm)0.21 ÷ 0.291.8
Exhaust valve clearance in closed position (mm)0.27 ÷ 0.351.8
- If the tappet clearance is not within the recommended tolerance, remove the camshaft involved and replace the cups selecting the size according to the required clearance.
The tappet cups are graded according to size and therefore the Spare Parts list should be consulted for selecting the new cup to be fitted. The code is on the cup crown.
- After fitting the new cups, repeat the procedure for checking the tappet clearance.- Fit the timing belt inner guard and secure it using the bolts.1. Fit the tool (1a) in the special splining on the camshafts (1b).
2000012000TemplateCamshaft timing1.8
1. Place the toothed driven pullies (1a) and (1b) in position.2. Fit the tool on the toothed driven pullies.
2000012100TemplateCamshaft timing1.8
Fit the inlet side template first and then the exhaust side one.
When the templates are fitted, check that:- the reference (a) on the exhaust side pulley is aligned with the reference (b) on the corresponding timing template;- the pin (c) on the inlet side pulley is in the position illustrated in the diagram in relation to the reference (d) on the corresponding timing template.
- Tighten the bolts fixing the pullies to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Variable valve timing actuatorBolt (to be replaced)-6.5 + 120° + 15°1.8
3. Tighten the sealing plugs with new O-rings.- Remove the templates used for timing.
- Place the thermostat unit in its housing complete with a new O-ring and tighten the fixing bolts.- Place the inlet and exhaust side timing sensors in position and secure them using the bolts.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Timing sensorBoltM60.6 ÷ 0.81.8
- Place the inlet and exhaust side phase transformer solenoid valves in position and secure them using the bolt.- Fit the spark plugs and tighten them to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Spark plugs--2.51.8
- Place the engine lifting brackets in their housings and secure them using the bolts.- Undo the fixing nuts and remove the cylinder head from the support tool.- Remove the support tool from the vice.