All the electrical systems and circuits are supplied by the battery A001.The main supply lines are protected by the maxifuse box B099 that contains the fuses labelled according to the circuits protected:- CVM: engine compartment junction unit B001 power supply, at connector X;- CPL: junction unit under the dashboard B002 power supply, at pin A of connector C;- NGE: electric steering control unit supply M086.    See E7045 ELECTRIC STEERINGOther circuits are supplied by the steering lock control unit by turning the key in the ignition device H003 to various positions (ON and START):- in the ON position, numerous protected ignition-operated circuits and services are supplied (INT and 15/54 lines): respectively from pins A1 and B1 of the steering lock control unit M089;- in the START position the starter motor is supplied by pin B8 of the steering lock control unit M089 (line 50); in this position some circuits are disconnected (INT/A line): pin C8 of the steering lock control unit M089.