The ignition device H003 is supplied by a direct battery line protected by fuse F32 of the underfacia junction unit B002.The steering lock control unit M089 supplied by a direct battery line protected by fuse F3 of the engine compartment junction unit B001 - pin C1 - receives the following signals according to whether or not the key is turned in ignition H003:- at pin A6, a key inserted signal (TEG_IN);- at pin B5, a signal to indicate the key is turned ON (TEG_MAR);- at pin C5, an initial start-up signal with the key is turned to START (TEG_Crank1);- at pin C6, the second start-up signal with the key is turned to START (TEG_Crank2);The ignition device H003 - pins 1 and 2 - communicates via the CAN with Body Computer M001 - pins 24 and 25 of H - whether or not the TEG has been recognised when it is inserted in the reader..In the same way, control unit M089 - pins A2 and A3 - of M089 communicates the request to forward the +15 to the system to Body Computer when the key is ON. Once the TEG is recognised (Immobilizer function) and the distribution of the power lines (INT, INT/A, 15/54) is permitted, the steering lock control unit M089 is enabled for start-up.At pin A5 the steering lock control unit M089 receives the earth signal for the clutch pedal I031 depression. When the key is turned simultaneously to START, pin B8 of the steering lock control unit M089 sends a +50 signal to the starter motor winding solenoid A020 (pin 50, connector C).Pin 30 (connector A) of A020, i.e. the motor, is supplied by a voltage from the battery A001.The direct current generated by the alternator A010 (pin B+, connector B) is sent to the battery A001, passing through the starter motor A020 (pin 30, connector B).When the alternator A010 is not turning and therefore not recharging the battery, an earth signal is sent from pin D+ (connetor A) to the Body Computer M001- pin 19 of connector A: this is connected via the CAN to the instrument panel E050 and causes the alternator fault warning light in the control panel to come on.