talk unit H005 sends two earth signals, depending on left stalk selection mode, to the Body Computer M001:- from pin 4 of connector B it sends pin 33 of connector G of the Body Computer a light flasher activation signal (1st unstable position);- from pin 3 of connector B it sends pin 4 of connector I of the Body Computer a high beam activation signal (2nd unstable position);Body Computer M001 (pin 9 of connector A) controls the power supply to the supplementary high beams and internal headlamp electronics (xenon bulb low/high switching motor) by sending an earth signal to engine compartment junction unit B001 (pin 12 of connector A) that excites relay T2: this supplies the high beams of headlams F010 (left) and F011 (right). Each of the two lines is protected by a fuse in control unit B001:- F15 for the left headlamp, from pin 25 connector A;- F14 for the right headlamp, from pin 22 connector A.The signals are sent to the supplementary halogen bulb and the electronics inside each of the two headlamps that controls the activation of the bulb and the low/high switching motor.Both electronic systems inside the headlamps are supplied - pin 9 - from the INT line of underfacia control unit B002 protected by F37.Pins 12 of both electronic systems are interconnected (master/slave connection) while pin 10 of left headlamp interior logic (F010) receives a speedometer signal supplied by Body Computer M001 (pin 28 of connector D).Via the CAN line, Body Computer M001 (pin 5 and 6 of connector I) connects to instrument panel E050 (pins 3 and 4 of connector A), to control the high beam warning light.The headlamps offer a self-diagnostic function from pins 11.