198000352 - E2011 DIPPED HEADLIGHTS - DESCRIPTION (Xenon Gas headlamps)


The vehicle is fitted with two GAS DISCHARGE headlamps.The electronics built into each of the two headlamps switch them on and off according to the times defined by the software and, in accordance with international regulations, the gas discharge bulbs too. The system comprises an igniter located in the base of the bulb and a ballast located in the bottom part of the lamp.The left lamp is the master control unit, whilst the right one performs a slave role.The master lamp acquires the command for the dipped headlamps, the vehicle speed and from the potentiometers located on the wheel axles. Depending on the inputs, it directly controls the switching on of the left front headlamp (dipped headlamps) and controls the right one in a similar way via the serial line.For more details    See E3080 HEADLAMP AGLINMENT CORRECTOR The dipped beams are activated by turning a wheel on the stalk switch to the next position after the side light setting.The switching on of the low beams is managed by the Body Computer.A relay in the underfacia control unit controls activation of the low beams via two lines protected by specific fuses. The low beam activation relay is controlled by the Body Computer relay excitation is activated via a specific stalk unit control signal.On some versions, the dipped headlamps are also activated automatically by the dusk sensor.This sensor, located on the windscreen under the interior rear view mirror, detects the variations in outside brightness depending on the light setting: the greater the sensitivity, the less external light is required to activate the exterior lights.The setting of the dusk sensor can be adjusted using the instrument panel setup menu.    See descriptions 5560 INSTRUMENTS When the ring nut is turned in the opposite direction (AUTO position) the side lights and the dipped headlamps automatically come on simultaneously depending on the exterior brightness.The flashing function is only possible with the sensor activated.When the command to switch off is given by the sensor, the main beam headlamps are deactivated and then the side lights about 10 seconds later.If a fault is detected with the dusk sensor, the "general failure" warning light is turned on and the information is shown simultaneously on the display.The "Follow me home" function allows the dipped headlamps and the side lights to remain on even after the engine has been switched off (TEG extracted) for a period of 30 seconds or multiples thereof. The "dipped headlamps" warning light in the instrument panel signals that the lights have remained on.It is turned on using the lever in the same way as for activating the flasher within 2 minutes of the TEG being extracted: each time the lever is operated the length of time the lights remain on is increased by 30 seconds, up to a maximum of 210 seconds. Inserting the TEG or keeping the flasher lever pulled for more than 2 seconds eliminates the function.