The system for the horns receives a power supply via the horn relay T16 of the engine compartment junction unit B1 from the line directly from the battery via fuse F33 in junction unit B1.The coil for the relay is energized with an earth signal when one of the switches on the steering wheel is closed; connected via the clock spring D47Body Computer M1 - pin 35 of connector D - supplies a reference earth to clock spring D47, which sends a horn control signal to pin 53 of connector D of M1. A command leaves pin 9 of connector A of M1 to excite relay T16 of B1, which supplies horn P05.Body Computer M1 - connector G - is supplied directly from the battery from a line protected by maxifuse F2 of engine compartment control unit B1. It is supplied by an ignition-operated supply (INT) at pin 32 of connector D; pin 10 of connector H of M1 provides the Body Computer with a reference earth.