- Remove the rear parcel shelf Op. 7040G30 BOOT LIGHT BULB HOLDER - R.R. Op. 7065C86 CURRENT SOCKET IN LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT - R.R.- Work on both sides Op. 7040H42 REAR PILLAR TRIM (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT- R.R Op. 7040L40 FRONT DOOR RUNNING BOARD (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R. Op. 7050A22 REAR SEAT CUSHION - R+R Op. 7040H38 CENTRE PILLAR UPPER ELEMENT (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R Op. 7040H30 FRONT PILLAR TRIM (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R. Op. 7065C34 SUN BLIND (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R. Op. 7040E10 FRONT COURTESY LIGHT - R+R - Remove all the grab handles. Op. 7065C30 GRAB HANDLE (ONE) LEFT, RIGHT OR CENTRE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT INTERIOR - R.R Op. 7030B64 SUN ROOF CONTROL SWITCH - R+R - Remove both the seals. Op. 7030B34 SLIDING ROOF COMPARTMENT DECORATIVE SEAL - R+R Op. 7040H16 ROOF PANEL LINING FOR VERSIONS WITH SUN ROOF - R.R Op. 7030B18 SLIDING ROOF GLASS PANEL - R+R Op. 7030B26 SLIDING ROOF BLIND - R+R WITH ROOF PANEL REMOVED Op. 7030B50 SUN ROOF SLIDING GUIDE (ONE), LH OR RH - R.R 1. Working at the bench, remove retainer (1a).2. Remove protective gaiter (2a) by releasing moulded profile (2b) from the guide seat (the protective gaiter cannot be refitted after removal because removal is destructive).3. If necessary, remove the protective gaiter duct (3a), undoing retainer (3b) by inserting a screwdriver in area (3c).

- Check that the protective gaiter is not damaged.- If removed, position the protective gaiter duct and do up the retainer.- Fit the new protection in its seat and engage the moulded profile in its seat on the guide.- Do up the retainer. Op. 7030B50 SUN ROOF SLIDING GUIDE (ONE), LH OR RH - R.R Op. 7030B26 SLIDING ROOF BLIND - R+R WITH ROOF PANEL REMOVED Op. 7030B18 SLIDING ROOF GLASS PANEL - R+R Op. 7040H16 ROOF PANEL LINING FOR VERSIONS WITH SUN ROOF - R.R Op. 7030B34 SLIDING ROOF COMPARTMENT DECORATIVE SEAL - R+R Op. 7030B64 SUN ROOF CONTROL SWITCH - R+R Op. 7065C30 GRAB HANDLE (ONE) LEFT, RIGHT OR CENTRE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT INTERIOR - R.R Op. 7040E10 FRONT COURTESY LIGHT - R+R Op. 7065C34 SUN BLIND (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R. Op. 7040H30 FRONT PILLAR TRIM (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R. Op. 7040H38 CENTRE PILLAR UPPER ELEMENT (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R Op. 7050A22 REAR SEAT CUSHION - R+R Op. 7040L40 FRONT DOOR RUNNING BOARD (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT - R.R. Op. 7040H42 REAR PILLAR TRIM (ONE), LEFT OR RIGHT- R.R Op. 7065C86 CURRENT SOCKET IN LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT - R.R. Op. 7040G30 BOOT LIGHT BULB HOLDER - R.R.