199000586 - 1088B20 ENGINE COOLING RADIATOR - R + R

Removing ( Refitting ) - Disconnect the negative battery terminal.    Op. 5540B07 LEFT FRONT HEADLAMP - R.R     Op. 5540B08 RIGHT FRONT HEADLAMP - R.R     Op. 7210A15 R.R. FRONT WING/HEADLAMP HOUSING CROSSMEMBER    Op. 7210E10 R.R. FRONT BUMPER     Op. 1048B50 SUPERCHARGING AIR-AIR HEAT EXCHANGER - R.R.    Op. 0010T20 ENGINE COOLANT - CHANGE 1. Disconnect the lower radiator coolant outlet hose.
- Lower the vehicle.1. Loosen the band and disconnect the radiator lower coolant outlet hose.2. Unscrew the coolant reservoir bolts and move aside.
1. Disconnect the rapid connector for the radiator upper coolant inlet hose, radiator side.
1. Disconnect the resistor electrical connection.
1Engine fan adjustment resistance    See O010 ENGINE FAN ADJUSTMENT RESISTANCE - 1
2. Disconnect the electrical connection for the fan.
2Engine fan motor    See N011 FAN MOTOR
1. Unscrew bolt (1a) and nut (1b) securing the condenser pipes to the body.
1. Undo the bolts and remove the condenser from the radiator and secure to the sacrificial beam.
- Open the clips securing the wiring to the fan frame.1. Undo the bolts fixing the radiator to the wing join assembly seal (front end).2. Remove the radiator unit with fans.
1. Loosen the band and remove the engine coolant supply pipe.2. Undo the bolts and remove the fan from the radiator.
Refitting ( Removing ) - Refit the radiator fan in its seat and secure it using the bolts.- Refit the engine cooling system feed pipe in its seat and do up the band.- Place the radiator complete with fansin position.- Tighten the bolts fixing the radiator to the wing join assembly seal (front end).- Do up the clips securing the wiring to the fan frame.- Tighten the bolt and nut securing the condenser pipes to the body.- Tighten the bolt securing the condenser to the fan frame.- Connect the dimmer electrical connection.- Connect the electrical connection for the fan.- Connect the rapid connector for the radiator upper coolant inlet hose, radiator side.- Place the coolant reservoir in its housing and secure it using the bolts.- Connect the reservoir coolant outlet hose and tighten the band.- Raise the vehicle.- Connect the lower radiator coolant outlet hose.    Op. 0010T20 ENGINE COOLANT - CHANGE     Op. 1048B50 SUPERCHARGING AIR-AIR HEAT EXCHANGER - R.R.    Op. 7210E10 R.R. FRONT BUMPER     Op. 7210A15 R.R. FRONT WING/HEADLAMP HOUSING CROSSMEMBER    Op. 5540B08 RIGHT FRONT HEADLAMP - R.R     Op. 5540B07 LEFT FRONT HEADLAMP - R.R - Connect the negative battery terminal.