Submerged pump assembly complete with level gauge

The electric fuel pump is assembled in a single unit with the level gauge and the fuel filter.
1. Fuel return connector2. Fuel supply connector3. Electrical connection4. Electric fuel pump5. Fuel level sensorElectric fuel pumpThe electric fuel pump has a permanent magnet electric motor (1) which controls the pump (2) impeller and a terminal support cover (3) which contains the electrical and hydraulic connections.The pump stage is the single, peripheral flow type with high performance under low voltage and temperature conditions.The advantages compared to pumps that operate on volumetric princples are as follows:- reduced weight;- limited size.

Inertia switch

The inertia switch is fitted on the passenger side near the front door pillar. If the vehicle suffers an impact, it interrupts the connection to earth of the electric fuel pump and, as a result, the supply of fuel to the injection system.
A steel ball (1) fitted in a conical shaped housing (2) is usually kept locked by means of the attraction force of an adjacent magnet.In certain acceleration load conditions, the ball is released from the magnetic clip and gradually comes out of the conical shaped support with an upwards movement depending on the angle of the cone.A rapid release mechanism (3) over the ball forms a normally closed (NC) electrical circuit.When struck by the ball, the mechanism changes position from a NC circuit to a normally open (NA) circuit and breaks the fuel pump earth circuit.The switch may be reset by pressing a button protected by a flexible cover (4).
If a smell of fuel or fuel system leaks are noted after even an apparently slight impact, do not reset the inertia switch but find and repair the fault to prevent the risk of fire. Otherwise, if no leaks are noted and the vehicle can be driven away, press the button to reactivate the pump.