
The EPS (Electrical Hydraulic Power Steering) is a power assisted steering device designed to reduce the effort required for steering the vehicle by using the torque from an electric motor.An electronic control unit manages and controls the system: processing the input information and using the internal operating logic, the control unit determines the direction of rotation and the supply current for the electric motor producing the desired servo-assistance effect.A CITY button on the control unit in the centre of the facia can be used to alter the power-assistance level of the electric steering device.An electric power steering failure warning light is present on the instrument panel. CITY function activation is indicated by a warning light on the control panel.For more details    See descriptions 4110 STEERING CONTROL AND LINKAGE .The control unit power supply lines are protected by a special maxifuse located on the battery; the ignition-operated supply is protected by a specific fuse in the Body Computer.