- Open the bonnet.1. Release anchorage (1a) from fitting (1b) of the reservoir containing the washer fluid from clip (1c).2. Withdraw fitting (2a) of the reservoir from its seat (2b).
Op. 7055B54 UNDER ENGINE PROTECTION/GUARD - R.R. Op. 7210E10 R.R. FRONT BUMPER 1. Remove the pump from the reservoir.- Recover the washer fluid in a suitable container.2. Release the pipes from the retainers on the reservoir.3. Release the electric wiring retainer from the reservoir.4. Remove the rivets.5. Keep the windscreen washer fluid reservoir.
- Check that the reservoir is not damaged.- Position the reservoir and restore the rivets.- Fit the pump in its seat on the reservoir.- Do up the wiring retainers.- Do up the pipe retainers. Op. 7210E10 R.R. FRONT BUMPER Op. 7055B54 UNDER ENGINE PROTECTION/GUARD - R.R. - Fit the reservior fitting and do up the anchorage.- Refill the reservoir with windscreen washer fluid.- Test the windscreen washer operation.- Close the bonnet.