Removing ( Refitting ) - Release the gearbox and differential from the support tool used for the removing-refitting from the vehicle.
1860873000Gearbox supportRemoving-refitting gearbox from the vehicle1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
1. Fit the gearbox and differential (1a) on the overhaul stand (1b) using the tool (1c).
Two mechanics are needed for this operation.
1871000000Rotating standOverhaul gearbox1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
1871001014Gearbox supportOverhaul gearbox1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
2. Unscrew bolt (2a) and remove the mileometer idler gear (2b).3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the rear cover (3b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the gear selection/engagement device mounting bracket (1b).
1. Remove the left differential internal driveshaft (1a) using the tool comprising the brackets (1b), the element (1c) and the mallet (1d).
1840005308BracketsRemoving left differential internal driveshaft1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
1840005001StrutRemoving left differential internal driveshaftExtracting main shaft front bearingRemoving layshaft front bearing inner raceRemoving 4th speed drive gear and rear bearingRemoving 3rd and 4th speed engagement sliding sleeve hub, synchronizer ring and 3rd speed drive gearRemoving main shaft front bearing1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
1840206000MalletRemoving left differential internal driveshaft1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
- Engage any gear using the gear selection/engagement lever.1. Undo the bolt fixing the 5th speed fork to the main shaft.- Engage 5th speed by pressing the fork on the main shaft.
If two gears are engaged simultaneously the gear shafts will lock.
2. Remove the staking and loosen the ring nuts for the main and layshafts.- Place the 5th speed control fork in neutral.
The positioning of the 5th speed control fork in neutral is necessary to prevent the synchronizer rollers from being lost.
1. Completely undo the ring nuts for the main and layshafts.2. Remove the 5th speed driven gear.3. Remove the 5th speed synchronizer rollers and springs retaining flange.4. Remove the 5 th speed control fork.5. Remove the Reverse engagement sliding sleeve.6. Remove the pre-synchronizer mountings.7. Remove the 5th speed engagement sliding sleeve.8. Remove the 5th speed synchroniser ring.9. Remove the 5th speed drive gear.10. Remove the needle bearing for the 5th speed drive gear.11. Remove the 5th speed drive gear bush.12. Undo the bolt (12a) and remove the main and layshaft rear bearing retaining plate (12b).
1. Lock the sleeve (1a) in the vice fitted with protective plates then, use a brass drift (1b) alternately on the two ends of the fork (1c) until it is released from the sleeve.
take care not to nick the tapered part of the sleeve and the ends of the fork with the drift.
1. Remove the main and layshaft rear bearing circlips.
1. Undo the plugs for positioning the gear control rods.2. Undo the reverse shaft fixing bolt.3. Unscrew the reversing light switch.
1. Undo the fixing bolts and remove the differential flange (1a) complete with O-ring (1b), oil seal (1c) and scraper ring (1d).
1. Undo the bolts fixing the gearbox casing to the manual gearbox and engine support.2. Position the gear selector/engagement lever downwards.3. Remove the gearbox casing using two screwdrivers for leverage by the special projections.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the reverse fork mounting bracket (1b).2. Unscrew the 3rd-4th speed fork screw.3. Unscrew the 1st-2nd speed drive fork bolt.
1. Remove the 1st-2nd speed drive rod (1a) together with the fork (1b).
If the rod offers resistance during the extraction, the other rods (2a) and (3a) must be adjusted to move the selectors (4) and (2b).
2. Remove the 3rd-4th speed drive rod (2a).
Work carefully to prevent the pawl (2b) from accidentally coming out.
3. Simultaneously remove 5th-reverse gear drive rod (3a) and 3rd-4th speed fork (3b).4. Remove the two gear engagement safety pawls.
1. Remove the main and layshaft assemblies at the same time.2. Remove the reverse idler gear.3. Remove the layshaft front bearing.4. Remove the differential assembly.5. Remove the magnet.
1. Remove the engine side oil seal for the manual gearbox bell housing.
1. Undo the gear control selector bolt.2. Remove the pin (2a) using a suitable drift and remove the gear selector (2b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the gear selector/engagement lever (1b).
- Proceed with dismantling the layshaft following the instructions given below.1. Remove the rear bearing (1a), 4th speed driven gear (1b) and the spacer betweena 3rd and 4th speeds (1c) using the tools (1d) and (1e).
1840005002ExtractorRemoving layshaft rear bearingRemoving layshaft front bearing1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
1840005303ClampsRemoving layshaft rear bearingRemoving 3rd speed driven gear and 2nd speed driven gearRemoving 3rd and 4th speed engagement sliding sleeve hub, synchronizer ring and 3rd speed drive gear1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
1. Remove the 3rd speed driven gear (1a) and the 2nd speed driven gear (1b) using the tools (1c) and (1d).
1840005002ExtractorRemoving layshaft rear bearingRemoving layshaft front bearing1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
1840005306ClampsRemoving 1st, 2nd and 3rd speed driven gearsDismantling main shaftRemoving layshaft front bearing1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
1. Remove the 2nd speed double cone synchronizer assembly.2. Remove the needle bearing for the 2nd speed drive gear.3. Remove the 1st-2nd and reverse engagement sliding sleeve.4. Remove the pre-synchronizer mountings.
1. Remove the circlip retaining the Reverse sliding sleeve hub using suitable pliers.
When refitting, replace the circlip.
1. Remove the 1st-2nd and reverse sliding sleeve hub (1a), the 1st speed synchroniser ring assembly (1b) and 1st speed drive gear (1c) using tools (1d) and (1e).
1840005002ExtractorRemoving layshaft rear bearingRemoving layshaft front bearing1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
1840005306ClampsRemoving 1st, 2nd and 3rd speed driven gearsDismantling main shaftRemoving layshaft front bearing1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
2. Remove the needle bearing.
The layshaft front bearing inner race cannot be removed; if necessary, replace it together with the layshaft.
- Proceed with dismantling the mainshaft following the instructions given below.1. Remove rear bearing (1a), shim (1b), 4th speed drive gear (1c), 4th speed drive gear needle bearing (1d), 4th speed drive gear bush (1e), 3rd and 4th speed sliding sleeve (1f), presynchroniser pads (1g) for the 3rd and 4th speed sliding sleeve hub, 4th speed synchroniser ring (1h), hub for the 3rd and 4th speed sliding sleeve (1i), 3rd speed synchroniser ring (1l) and third speed drive gear (1m) using tools (1n) and (1o).
1840005002ExtractorRemoving layshaft rear bearingRemoving layshaft front bearing1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
1840005306ClampsRemoving 1st, 2nd and 3rd speed driven gearsDismantling main shaftRemoving layshaft front bearing1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
2. Remove the needle bearing for the 3rd speed drive gear.
Refitting ( Removing ) - Proceed with washing and checking the condition of all the components.- Proceed with reassembling the mainshaft following the instructions given below.1. Fit the needle bearing for the 3rd speed drive gear.2. Fit the 3rd speed drive gear.3. Fit the 3rd speed synchroniser ring.4. Fit the 3rd and 4th speed sliding engagement sleeve hub.5. Fit the 3rd and 4th speed sliding engagement sleeve.6. Fit the pre-synchronizer mountings in their housings in the sliding sleeve hub.7. Fit the 4th speed synchroniser ring.
1. Fit the bush for the 4th speed drive gear (1a) using the tool (1b).
1860945000Fitting toolFitting 4th speed drive gear bush/main shaft rear bearing/1st and 2nd speed sliding sleeve hubFitting bearing1.4 16v1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.9 Multijet1.3 Multijet 90 CV 6 speed1.4 16v TJet
2. Fit the roller bearing for the 4th speed drive gear (2a) and the 4th speed drive gear (2b).
1. Fit the rear bearing (1a) using the tool (1b).
1860945000Fitting toolFitting 4th speed drive gear bush/main shaft rear bearing/1st and 2nd speed sliding sleeve hubFitting bearing1.4 16v1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.9 Multijet1.3 Multijet 90 CV 6 speed1.4 16v TJet
- Proceed with dismantling the layshaft following the instructions given below.1. Fit the needle bearing for the 1st speed drive gear.2. Fit the 1st speed driven gear.3. Fit the three 1st speed synchronizer rings (3a) matching the engagements (3b).
1. Fit the hub for the 1st and 2nd speed sliding sleeve using tool (1b).
1860945000Fitting toolFitting 4th speed drive gear bush/main shaft rear bearing/1st and 2nd speed sliding sleeve hubFitting bearing1.4 16v1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.9 Multijet1.3 Multijet 90 CV 6 speed1.4 16v TJet
- Fit a new 1st and 2nd speed sliding sleeve hub circlip.1. Fit the 1st-2nd and reverse engagement sliding sleeve.2. Refit the pre-synchronizer mountings in their housings in the 1st-2nd and reverse sliding sleeve hub.3. Remove the needle bearing for the 2nd speed drive gear.4. Fit the three 2nd speed synchronizer rings (4a) matching the engagements (4b) and (4c).5. Fit the 2nd speed driven gear.
1. Fit the 3rd speed driven gear (1a) using the tool (1b).
1870465000Fitting toolFitting 3rd speed driven gear/4th speed driven gear1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
1. Fit the spacer between the 3rd speed driven gear and the 4th speed driven gear.2. Fit the 4th speed driven gear (2a) using the tool (2b).
1870465000Fitting toolFitting 3rd speed driven gear/4th speed driven gear1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
1. Fit the rear bearing (1a) using the tool (1b).
1870448000Fitting toolFitting layshaft rear bearingFitting layshaft front bearing inner race1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
1. Fit the gear selector/engagement lever (1a) and secure it tightening the bolts (1b) to torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Gear selection/engagement leverBoltM82.1 ÷ 2.61.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
1. Fit the gear selector (1a) and secure it using the pin (1b) and the bolt (1c).
1. Fit a new engine side oil seal (1a) for the manual gearbox bell housing using the tool (1b).
1875016000Fitting toolFitting engine side oil seal for manual gearbox to engine supportFitting differential flange oil seal1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
1. Fit the magnet.2. Fit the layshaft front bearing.3. Fit the differential assembly.4. Fit the reverse idler gear.
Make sure that the gear engagement teeth are facing downwards.
5. Fit the main and layshaft assemblies at the same time.- Fit the gear engagement safety pawls using a suitable drift.
1. Fit the 5th speed and reverse drive rod.2. Fit the 3rd - 4th speed control fork (2a) and the control rod (2b).
Place the safety pawl on the rod before fitting it in its housing.
3. Remove the 1st-2nd speed drive rod (3a) together with the fork (3b).
To facilitate installation, move teh 1st-2nd speed control rod in the arrowed direction.
4. Tighten the bolts securing the 1st-2nd speed control forks (4a) and the 3rd-4th speed control rods (4b) to the specfied torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
1st and 2nd speed control forkBoltM61.5 ÷ 1.91.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
3rd and 4th speed control forkBoltM61.5 ÷ 1.91.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
5. Fit the reverse control fork mounting bracket (5a) and secure it tightening the bolts (5b) to torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Reverse control fork mounting bracketBoltM68.5 ÷ 11.11.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
- Place all the gear control forks in neutral.- Apply sealant to the contact surfaces between the manual gearbox bell housing and the gearbox casing.- Fit the gearbox casing on the manual gearbox bell housing.
Keep the gear selector/engagement lever upwards and check that the gear selector engages in the 3rd-4th speed control fork.
- Tighten the gearbox casing bolts to torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Gearbox casingBoltM82.1 ÷ 2.61.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
- Fit the gear control rod positioning plugs.- Tighten the reverse shaft bolt to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Reverse shaftBoltM82.9 ÷ 3.61.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
- Fit the reversing light switch.- Fit the main and layshaft rear bearing circlips.
Position the circlips with their openings at the front to facilitte fitting.
- Apply sealant to the contact surfaces betwen the gearbox casing and the main and layshaft rear bearings retaining plate.- Fit the main and layshaft rear bearings retaining plate and secure it tightening the bolt to torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Main and layshaft rear bearings retaining plateBoltM82.1 ÷ 2.61.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
1. Remove the 5th speed drive gear bush.2. Fit the needle bearing for the 5th speed drive gear.3. Fit the 5th speed drive gear.4. Fit the 5th speed synchroniser gear.5. Fit the 5th speed engagement sliding sleeve.6. Fit the 5th speed engagement sliding sleeve.7. Place the synchronizer mountings in their housings.8. Fit the 5 th speed control fork.9. Fit the 5th speed synchronizer rollers and springs retaining flange.10. Fit the 5th speed driven gear.11. Tighten the new ring nuts for the main and layshafts to torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Main and layshaft ring nutsRing nutM2010 ÷ 12.41.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
12. Tighten the bolt for the 5th speed control fork to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
5th speed control fork BoltM61.5 ÷ 1.91.3 Multijet 75 CV 1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
1. Lock the sleeve in a vice fitted with protective plates;2. Position the fork so that the tapered part is in the same direction as that of the sleeve, resting it against the side of the sleeve with the smaller diameter.- fit the fork manually, exerting the necessary pressure, until it is completely inserted in the sleeve.
When the fitting is complete, check that the sleeve can rotate freely inside the fork.
- Apply sealant to the contact surfaces betwen the main and layshaft rear bearings retaining plate and the rear cover.1. Fit the rear cover (1a) and secure it tightening the bolts (1b) to torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Rear coverBoltM82.1 ÷ 2.61.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
2. Fit the mileometer idler gear (2a) and secure it with screw (2b).
1. Position the tool (1a), complete with dial gauge, on the differential flange (1b) and measure distance "H" (flange height).
1895655000MountDetermining thickness of differential bearing scraper rings1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v1.4 16v TJet
1. Position the tool (1a) complete with dial gauge on the differential flange support surface (1b) and measure distance "P" (depth between differential flange support plane and bearing outer race (1c).
1895655000MountDetermining thickness of differential bearing scraper rings1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v1.4 16v TJet
- Calculate the thickness "S" of the differential bearing pre-loading shim using the following formula:S = P - H + 0.12
0.12 corresponds to the recommended interference for the bedding in and pre-loading of the differential bearings.After determining the exact value of the size of the shim, try and get as close as possible to this value using the shims supplied as spares. If there is not or more shims available that correspond exactly to the value produced in this way, fit the shim(s) immediately larger.
1. Place the differential bearing pre-loading shim(s) in position.
1. Fit a new oil seal (1a) on the differential flange (1b) using the tool (1c).
1875016000Fitting toolFitting engine side oil seal for manual gearbox to engine supportFitting differential flange oil seal1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.4 16v TJet
- Fit the differential flange and secure it tightening the bolts to torque.- Fit the left differential inner driveshaft.- Fit the gear selection/engagement mounting bracket and secure it using the bolts.- Undo the fastenings and remove the gearbox and differential from the support tool.
Two mechanics are needed for this operation.
1871001014Gearbox supportOverhaul gearbox1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet
- Remove the support tool from the overhaul stand and put it down.- Position the gearbox and differential on the tool used for the removing-refitting from the vehicle.
1860873000Gearbox supportRemoving-refitting gearbox from the vehicle1.3 Multijet 75 CV1.3 Multijet 90 CV 5 speed1.2 8v1.4 8v1.4 16v TJet