Functional description

The activation signal for the fog lights consists of an earth signal coming from the switch unit H90 and entering at pin 20 of connector E of the body computer M01 . If there is a side lights signal, H90 receives a supply to light up the panel via a line protected by fuse F49 of the junction unit under the dashboard B02 from the line controlled by the ignition (INT).If there is a side lights signal and switch H90 is closed, the body computer M01 sends an earth signal which energizes the relay R14 , located in the engine compartment junction unit B01 , via the body computer at pin 8 connector C. At the same time, the body computer M01 also controls the switching on of the fog lamps on warning light located in the instrument panel E50 .The supply for the relay R14 is controlled by the ignition (15/54) and its outlet supplies the two fog light bulbs in the lamps: left F10 and right F11 , from pins 4 and 5 of connector B of the engine compartment junction unit B01 , respectively.The body computer can be supplied via pin 11 connector E (supply controlled by the ignition) and pin A connector C (direct supply) of the junction unit B02 . There is a protective fuse F1 for the direct supply located in the junction unit B01 .These lines also supply the instrument panel E50 via two lines protected by fuses F37 and F53 .Pins 8 and 9 connector D of the body computer are connected to earth.