A cast iron overhead camshaft operated by a timing belt.COMPOSITION
There are the same number of suitably positioned, profiled cams on the shaft as the valves to be operated; at the front there is provision for fitting a toothed pulley through which to receive movement from the crankshaft by means of a suitably tensioned timing belt.On the 1.4 8v version the toothed pulley is incorporated in the phase transformer described below.
PHASE TRANSFORMER (1.4 8v version only)
The 1.4 8v EVO2 engine is equipped with a "continuous" phase transformer capable of modifying the position of the camshaft in relation to the crankshaft.In this way the engine is working with optimum timing in all operating points.The phase transformer is managed entirely by the engine management control unit which:- detects the camshaft position via the timing sensor;- alters this position according to the engine operation on the basis of a calibrated map;- keeps the camshaft position under control.