2584602 - 2180A28 milometer control support on gearbox - r + r

Removing ( Refitting ) Place the car on a ramp.    Op. 7055B54 PROTECTION/GUARD UNDER ENGINE - R.R.    Op. 2180A36 MILOMETER CONTROL SENSOR ON GEARBOX - R + R1. Undo the bolt (1a) and remove the speedometer gear mounting (1b) on the gearbox.
Refitting ( Removing ) Fit the speedometer gear mounting on the gearbox.Tighten the fixing bolts to torque.

    Op. 2180A36 MILOMETER CONTROL SENSOR ON GEARBOX - R + R    Op. 7055B54 PROTECTION/GUARD UNDER ENGINE - R.R.Remove the vehicle from the ramp.