2585282 - 1004E20 engine - dismantle and re-build following operation 1004e10 - wash and check dismantled parts - re-fit cylinder head and oil sump - does not include repairs to cylinder head and auxiliary unit

Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Undo the fastenings (1a) and remove the support complete with compressor and alternator (1b).2. Remove the engine oil dipstick tube.3. Undo the bolt and remove the detonation sensor.
1. Fit the tool (1a), unscrew the bolt (1b) and remove the crankshaft gear (1c).
1aTemplate2.000.004.500Crankshaft timing
2. Undo the bolt (2a) and remove the rpm sensor (2b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the rigid water return pipe to the pump (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a), nuts (2b) remove the water pump (2c).
1. Remove the oil filter cartridge.2. Remove the minimum engine oil pressure switch.3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the engine block front cover (3b) with the built-in oil pump complete with crankshaft front oil seal (3c) and intake chamber (3d).4. Remove the engine block front cover gasket.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the crankshaft rear cover (1b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the connecting rod cap (1b).2. Remove the lower crankpin half-bearings.3. Remove the connecting rod - piston assemblies.4. Remove the upper connecting rod half-bearings.- Carry out the same operations for removing the remaining pistons.
1. Check that the crankshaft endfloat is within specified limits.
1Crankshaft endfloat (mm)0.055 ÷ 0.265
- If the value for the crankshaft endfloat does not correspond with the recommended figures, when refitting, regrind the crankcase seat and use suitable thrust washers (fastened to the central main bearing half) oversized by 0.127 mm.1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the connecting rod caps (1b).2. Remove the lower main journal half-bearings.3. Remove the crankshaft.4. Remove the upper main journal half-bearings.
The central main bearing half incorporates the crankshaft thrust ring halves.
    Op. 1084B18 ENGINE OIL PUMP, REMOVED - CHECK AT BENCH- Unscrew the coolant chamber plugs from the crankcase.- Remove the lubrication duct plug from the crankcase.- Check the condition of the piston cooling oil sprays.1. If oil sprays (1a) are blocked, remove them using tool (1b).
Insert the drift guide hole on the nozzle surface to prevent the drift from slipping and damaging the cylinder liner during the removal operation.
1bDrift1.860.395.000Engine oil jet removal
Refitting ( Removing ) - Wash and check the appearance of all components removed.- Tighten the water/oil sealing plugs to the upper crankcase.1. Use the tool (1a) to fit the new oil sprays (1b).
1aFitting tool1.860.313.000Engine oil jet fitting
- Check that the planarity of the cylinder head support surface corresponds to the recommended figure; if this is not the case, regrind the cylinder head support surface.
-Cylinder head support surface flatness (mm)< 0.1
- Measure the diameter of the cylinder bores and check that they correspond to the recommended figures.
-Cylinder liner diameter - Grade A (mm)72.000 ÷ 72.010
-Cylinder liner diameter - Grade B (mm)72.010 ÷ 72.020
-Cylinder liner diameter - Grade C (mm)72.020 ÷ 72.030
- Check that the ovality of the cylinder liners is within the recommended limits.
-Cylinder liner ovality (mm)+/- 0.05
- Check that the taper of the cylinder liners/bores is within the recommended limits.
-Cylinder liner taper (mm)+/- 0.005
- If the cylinder bore, taper or ovality measurements are not within the recommended limits, ream the cylinder bores following the recommended oversizes.
In the case of reaming, all the bores must have the same oversize.
-Cylinder liner diameter oversize (mm)0.1
- Check that the diameter of the main journals corresponds to the recommended figures.
-Main journal diameter - Category A (mm)47.997 ÷ 48.003
-Main journal diameter - Category B (mm)47.988 ÷ 47.994
-Main journal diameter - Category C (mm)47.982 ÷ 47.988
- If the diameter of the main journals is not correct, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
Because the crankshaft has undergone nitriding, this treatment should be repeated and the size re-checked if it is ground.
-Main journal diameter undersize (mm)0.127
- Check that the diameter of the crankpins corresponds to the recommended figures.
-Crankpin diameter (mm)41.990 ÷ 42.008
- If the diameter of the crankpins is not correct, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
Because the crankshaft has undergone nitriding, this treatment should be repeated and the size re-checked if it is ground.
-Crankpin diameter undersize (mm)0.127
- Fit the crankshaft into its seat on the crankcase.- Fit the calibrated wire (plastigage) for measuring the main journal backlash.- Refit the connecting rod caps complete with half-bearings and secure them by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-1.9 ÷ 2.1 + 90° +/- 3°BoltBearing capsM10
- Check that the diameter of the main journals corresponds to the recommended figures.
-Main journal seat diameter - Category 1 (mm)51.705 ÷ 51.709
-Main journal seat diameter - Category 2 (mm)51.709 ÷ 51.713
-Main journal seat diameter - Category 3 (mm)51.713 ÷ 51.717
- The size of the main journal half-bearings is given.
-Main journal half-bearings - Category 1 (Red) (mm)1.836 ÷ 1.840
-Main journal half-bearings - Category 2 (Blue) (mm)1.843 ÷ 1.847
-Main journal half-bearings - Category 3 (Yellow) (mm)1.848 ÷ 1.852
-Main journal half-bearing thickness oversize (mm)0.254 ÷ 0.508
- Remove the main bearing caps and check the main journal backlash. Use an appropriate gauge to measure the width of the plastigage.
Check one main journal at a time, without rotating the crankshaft.
-Clearance between main bearings - crankshaft main journals (mm)0.025 ÷ 0.040
- After checking all the main journals, refit the main bearing caps with half-bearings and secure by tightening the bolts to the specified torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-1.9 ÷ 2.1 + 90° +/- 3°BoltBearing capsM10
    Op. 1028H54 PISTON WITH CONNECTING ROD - SEPRATION AT THE BENCH- Clean any carbon residues carefully from the pistons.- Check that the outer diameter of the pistons corresponds to the recommended figures; if not, replace the piston complete with piston rings and gudgeon pin.
-Piston outer diameter -Grade A (mm)71.960 ÷ 71.970
-Piston outer diameter - Grade B (mm)71.970 ÷ 71.980
-Piston outer diameter - Grade C (mm)71.980 ÷ 71.990
Measure perpendicular to the gudgeon pin axis, 6 mm from the lower edge of the skirt.
- Position the piston in the cylinder liner and use a feeler gauge to measure the specified clearance.- Check that the pin seat bore diameter is within specified values, otherwise replace the pin with an oversized pin.
-Gudgeon pin housing diameter in pistons (mm)17.982 ÷ 17.986
-Piston gudgeon pin diameter oversize (mm)-
- Check that the outer diameter of the gudgeon pins is within the recommended limits; if not, replace the worn gudgeon pins.
-Piston pin outer diameter (mm)17.970 ÷ 17.974
- Check that the piston ring seats are within the recommended values.
-Piston ring seat in piston - 1st groove (mm)1.020 ÷ 1.040
-Piston ring seat in piston - 2nd groove (mm)1.210 ÷ 1.230
-Piston ring seat in piston - 3rd groove (mm)2.010 ÷ 2.030
- Check that the thickness of the piston rings is within the recommended limits.
-Cylinder compression 1st piston ring thickness (mm)0.970 ÷ 0.990
-Cylinder compression 2nd piston ring thickness (mm)1.170 ÷ 1.190
-Cylinder compression 3rd piston ring thickness (mm)1.975 ÷ 1.990
-Seal oversize (mm)0.1
- Fit the sealing rings in the cylinder liner and check the gap between the seal ends is within specified limits. Otherwise replace the sealing rings.
-Cylinder compression 1st piston ring gap (mm)0.20 ÷ 0.40
-Cylinder compression 2nd piston ring gap (mm)0.50 ÷ 0.70
-Cylinder compression 3rd piston ring gap (mm)0.20 ÷ 0.40
- Check that the mating clearance between the piston rings and the grooves on the piston is within specified limits.
-Cylinder compression 1st piston ring endfloat (mm)0.030 ÷ 0.070
-Cylinder compression 2nd piston ring endfloat (mm)0.020 ÷ 0.060
-Cylinder compression 3rd piston ring endfloat (mm)0.020 ÷ 0.055
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- Fit the connecting rod-piston assemblies with half-bearings using the tool to compress the piston rings and then fit the piston into the liner.- Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhaul stand.- Apply the calibrated wire (plastigate) for measuring the crankpin clearance.- Refit the connecting rod caps complete with half-bearings and secure them by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
The connecting rod caps are fracture type. If replaced, they are supplied pre-fractured by the manufacturer.Check that the parts are free of burrs, blisters, scratches or any other surface defect. Before installation, parts must be thorougly washed, cleaned and dried. Fit the connecting rod caps so that the number stamped on each cap faces towards the same side as the number stamped on the big end.
Each connecting rod must be paired with its cap, respecting the numerical references stamped on the parts. Connecting rods and connecting rod caps are not interchangeable.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-1.9 ÷ 2.1 + 40° +/- 2°BoltConnecting rod big end bearing capsM8
- Check that the diameter of the crankpins corresponds to the recommended figures.
-Crankpin seat diameter (mm)45.128 ÷ 45.138
- The size of the connecting rod half-bearings is given.
-Connecting rod half-bearing thickness (mm)1.544 ÷ 1.548
-Connecting rod half-bearing thickness oversize (mm)0.254 ÷ 0.508
- Remove the connecting rod caps and check the crankpin backlash. Use an appropriate gauge to measure the width of the plastigage.
-Clearance between connectring rod bearings - crankpins (mm)0.021 ÷ 0.060
Check one crankpin at a time, without rotating the crankshaft.
- If the value measured is not within the recommended figures, replace the connecting rod bearings.- Refit the connecting rod caps complete with half-bearings and secure them by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-1.9 ÷ 2.1 + 40° +/- 2°BoltConnecting rod big end bearing capsM8
- Position a new oil pump gasket.- Fit the front crankcase cover with built-in oil pump complete with intake chamber and secure by tightening bolts to the specified torque.- Fit the engine oil filter.- Fit the minimum engine oil pressure switch.- Fit the oil seal to the crankshaft front cover using the tool.
-Fitting tool1.860.903.000Fitting crankshaft front oil seal
- Fit the crankcase rear cover and secure by tightening the bolts to the specified torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-0.8 ÷ 1.0BoltCrankshaft to crankcase rear coverM6
- Fit a new rear camshaft oil seal using the tools.
-Grip1.860.879.000Fitting crankshaft rear oil seal
-Fitting tool1.860.881.000Fitting crankshaft rear oil seal
- Fit the water pump and secure with the bolts and nut.- Fit the rigid coolant return pipe to the pump and secure to the crankcase with the bolt.- Fit the crankshaft gear.- Position the tool and tighten the crankshaft gear bolt to the specified torque.
-Template2.000.004.500Crankshaft timing
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-1.9 ÷ 2.1 + 90° +/- 3°BoltCrankshaft gearM11
- Remove the tool fitted previously.- Rotate the engine on the overhaul stand.- Clean the crankcase and oil sump contact surfaces, removing the silicon sealant residues.- Apply the silicone sealant continuously without any breaks over the entire perimeter of the crankcase sump.
Join the end to the beginning seamlessly.
- Fit the crankcase sump and secure it by tightening the bolts and the nuts to the specified torque.
When positioning the crankcase sump, avoid significant sideways movements that could remove the sealant.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-2.2 ÷ 2.7BoltEngine oil sump - crankcase sideM8
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-0.8 ÷ 1.0NutEngine oil sump - rear cover side and oil pump sideM6
- Clean the contact surfaces between the cylinder head and engine block.- Fit the locating bushes for the cylinder block/crankcase.- Position the cylinder head gasket on the cylinder block/crankcase.1. Fit the cylinder head and tighten the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
12.9 ÷ 3.1 + 90° + 90° +/- 3°BoltCylinder headM9
Follow the order illustrated below for the tightening of the cylinder head bolts.
- Fit the intake chamber and tighten the nuts to the specified torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-2.3 ÷ 2.8NutIntake manifoldM8
1. Fit the template to the camshaft rear shank.
1Template2.000.004.400Camshaft timing
1. Fit the timing belt.
1. Fit the crankshaft timing template to the drive pulley.
1Template2.000.004.500Crankshaft timing
1. Proceed as shown in the figure to adjust the automatic tensioner reference fork until it is in contact.
1. Fit the reaction tool (1a) and tighten the variable valve timing bolt (1b) to the specified torque.
1aCounter-torque2.000.004.200Timing driven pulley lock
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
1b1.9 ÷ 2.1 + 55° +/- 2°BoltPhase transformerM12
- Fit the variable valve timing bolt plug and secure to the specified torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-2.4 ÷ 3.0PlugPhase transformer sealing plugM27
- Remove both templates and the reaction tool fitted previously and turn the engine through a couple of revolutions to settle the timing belt.- Loosen the belt tensioner nut and adjust the front fork until it is aligned with the rear fork.- Tighten the belt tensioner nut to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-2.5 ÷ 3.1NutTiming moving tensionerM8
- Fit the templates removed previously to check the engine timing adjustment.1. Position cam cover (1a) on the cylinder head and tighten bolts (1b).2. Fit the tappet cover locating tool.
2Template2.000.004.300Tappet cover centering
- Tighten the previously screwed in cam cover bolts to the specified torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-0.8 ÷ 1.0BoltTappet coverM6
- Remove the tappet cover locating tool fitted previously.1. Fit the timing sensor.2. Fit the injection control unit mount.
- Fit the rpm sensor and tighten the bolt.- Fit the knock sensor and tighten the bolt to the specified torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-2.2 ÷ 2.7Bolt (to be replaced)Detonation sensorM8
- Fit the engine oil dipstick tube.- Fit the mount with compressor and alternator and secure the fastenings.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-4.5 ÷ 5.5BoltCompressor supportM10x1.25
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-2.3 ÷ 2.7NutCompressor supportM8x1.25
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-4.5 ÷ 5.5NutCompressor supportM10x1.25
- Fit the timing belt protective covers and secure them using the bolts.- Fit the crankshaft pulley and tighten the bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-2.3 ÷ 2.8BoltServices pulley on crankshaftM8
- Fit the auxiliary drivebelt by adjusting the automatic belt tensioner.- Fit the timing side rigid power unit mount and tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentdia  
-5.4 ÷ 6.6BoltTiming side power unit rigid supportM10
- Connect the electrical connection for the coolant temperature sensor.- Connect the electrical connection for the timing sensor.- Connect the electrical connection of the ignition coil module.- Connect the electrical connection for the throttle casing.- Connect the electrical connection for the knock sensor.- Connect the air conditioning compressor electrical connection.- Connect the earth lead to the crankcase.- Connect the electrical connection for the absolute pressure sensor.- Connect the electrical connection for the air pressure/temperature sensor.- Connect the electrical connection for the variable valve timing electromagnet.- Remove the engine from the overhaul stand.