The passenger compartment air fan circuit is controlled by relay R8 in engine compartment junction unit B01.The power supply to the relay is received from the battery at pin 1 of connector A of B01 protected by fuse F8 while the coil is excited by an ignition-controlled supply (INT/A) via a line protected by fuse F31 of under-dashboard junction unit B02.When climate contol system button H81 (pin 1 of connector B) is pressed, relay R8 is excited and sends a direct supply to fan N85 which operates at different speeds according to the load applied to control knob H81 (supplied at pin 1 of connector A of fuse line F31).When the selector is operated, the number of resistances applied (voltage divider) is altered to alter the speed of fan N85.Antimist thermostat N8 on the evaporator in the duct/distributor unit inhibits the operation of the air conditioner compressor if the evaporator freezes.In positions 1 to 4, selector H81 closes an internal contact that enables the activation of an air conditioner compressor.The symbols of the control unit are lit with the side lights on by lights G45 (A, B, C) suppolied by a line protected by fuse F51 of under-dashboard junction unit B02.    See E2010 SIDE LIGHTS / NO. PLATE LIGHTS