2585297 - 1084B18 engine oil pump, removed - check at bench

Check that the height of the oil pressure relief valve spring is within the recommended values.
-Oil pressure relief valve spring height (mm)34.1
Under test load (daN)4.45 - 4.94
Fit the oil pressure relief valve and secure it using the clip.Fit the drive gear.Fit the driven gear.Fit the oil pump cover
Manually rotate the gears to check that they turn without sticking.
Fit the intake duct complete with gasket and secure it using the bolts.
The crankshaft front oil seal should be fitted with the engine oil pump fitted on the crankcase.    Op. 1084B14 ENGINE OIL PUMP - R+R WITH POWER UNIT REMOVED.
Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Undo the bolts fixing the engine oil intake.2. Remove the engine oil intake.
Refitting ( Removing ) Secure the oil pump appropriately.1. Measure the clearance between the pump casing (1a) and the gears (1b) and make sure it is within the recommended values.
-Radial clearance between pump casing and gears (mm)0.110 - 0.180
1. Check the endfloat between cover support plane (1a) and the surface of the gears (1b).
-Endfloat between pump support plane and gears (mm)0.040 - 0.106
Calculate the clearance between the internal diameter of the driven gear and the pump casing housing pin.
-Clearance between driven gears internal diameter and pump casing housing bearing (mm)0.015 - 0.048
Calculate the clearance between the diameter of the drive gear shaft and the pump casing housing.
-Clearance between drive gear shaft diameter and pump casing housing (mm)0.016 - 0.048
Calculate the clearance between the drive gear and the driven gear.
-Clearance between drive gear and driven gear (mm)0.30
Use suitable equipment to check the specifications of the relief valve spring.
-Relief valve spring height (mm)22.5
Under a load of (daN)6.51 - 6.82
-Relief valve spring height (mm)21
Under a load of (daN)6.92 - 7.21
If even only one of the checks carried out of the pump casing, the gears or the valve gives results that are outside of the tolerance, then the oil pump assembly must be replaced.