Functional description

The activation of the dipped headlamps is controlled by an earth signal coming from the steering column switch unit H05 , by turning the ring nut, and reaches the body computer M01 at pin 4 connector D.To switch the dipped headlamps on, the body computer M01 energizes a relay R1 in the junction unit under the dashboard B02 which receives a direct supply, protected by fuse F1 , housed in the engine compartment junction unit B01 , and sends it to the left and right headlamps.Each line is protected by a fuse in the junction unit under the dashboard B02 : F13 for the left headlamp, F12 for the right headlamp. Another supply signal ''controlled by the ignition'' (INT), coming from the ignition switch H01 arrives via pin 11 connector E of the junction unit under the dashboard B02 . The direct signal to the left headlamp is also sent to the instrument panel E50 at pin 6 connector A for the functions that require this enablement signal. In addition, the instrument panel E50 communicates with the body computer M01 via pins 3 and 4 connector A and receives supply lines at pins 1 and 2 connector A. It then receives the earth signal at pin 7 connector A.Both the left and right headlamp signals are used to operate the headlamp alignment (    See E3080 HEADLAMP AGLINMENT CORRECTOR]).