2585282 - 1004E20 engine - dismantle and re-build following operation 1004e10 - wash and check dismantled parts - re-fit cylinder head and oil sump - does not include repairs to cylinder head and auxiliary unit

Remove the electrical components before washing to prevent damaging them through the chemical compounds used for washing.
Rotate the crankcase through 180° on the overhaul stand.1. Remove the oil filter (1a) using the tool (1b).2. Undo pin (2a) and remove heat exchanger (2b).
1. Fit the tool.
Undo the (left hand) bolt and remove the toothed timing drive pulley.2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the clutch (2b).3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the flywheel (3b).Remove the tool.
1. Undo the bolt (1a) and remove the auxiliary fixed tensioner (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the support (2b).3. Undo the bolt (3a) and remove the auxiliary units drive belt automatic belt tensioner (3b).4. Undo the bolts (4a) and remove the support (4b) complete with timing belt tensioner.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the crankcase front cover (4b) with the oil pump incorporated (1b) complete with intake (1c).Remove the seal.
Fit the tool.
Rotate the crankcase through 180° on the overhaul stand.1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the connecting rod cap (1b).2. Remove the lower connecting rod half-bearing.3. Remove the connecting rod-piston assembly.4. Remove the upper connecting rod half-bearing.Carry out the same operations to remove the pistons and connecting rods for the remaining cylinders.Remove the tool.
Undo the bolts and remove the flywheel guard.5. Undo the bolts (5a) and remove the crankcase rear cover (5b) with the oil seal incorporated.Check that the crankshaft endfloat corresponds to the recommended figures using a magnetic base and dial gauge.
-End float (mm)0.059 - 0.221
If the value for the crankshaft endfloat does not correspond with the recommended figures, when refitting, regrind the crankcase seat and use suitable oversize thrust washers.6. Undo the bolts (6a) and remove the bearing caps (6b).7. Remove the lower main journal half-bearings.8. Remove the crankshaft.9. Undo the bolts (9a) and remove the crankshaft flywheel (9b).10. Remove the upper main journal half-bearings.11. Remove the thrust washers.12. Undo the bolts (12a) and remove the jets (12b) from the crankcase.13. Undo the bolt (13a) and remove the rpm sensor (13b).
13bRpm sensor    See K46 RPM SENSOR ( ENGINE )
14. Remove the engine oil minimum pressure warning light sensor.
14Insufficient engine oil pressure sensor (switch)    See K030 ENGINE OIL PRESSURE SENSOR (SWITCH)
Rotate the crankcase through 90° on the overhaul stand.Undo the bolts and remove the crankcase from the mounting brackets, then place it on a special workbench.    Op. 1028H60 PISTON SET, GUDGEON PINS AND SEALS - REPLACE WITH PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODS AT THE BENCH - INCLUDES ALIGNMENT AND BALANCING.Undo the bolts and remove the intake duct from the oil pump.    Op. 1084B18 ENGINE OIL PUMP, REMOVED - CHECK AT BENCH. Wash the dismantled components.Fit the water/oil sealing plugs in the crankcase using suitable fitting tools.Lubricate all the mechanical components with engine oil.Check that the cylinder head support surface does not have cracks or superficial grooves.Check that the planarity of the cylinder head support surface corresponds to the recommended figure; if this is not the case, regrind the cylinder head support surface.
-Cylinder head support surface flatness (mm)< 0.1
1. Measure the cylinder bore diameter using the diagram illustrated.
-Cylinder liner diameter (mm)Category A82.000 - 82.010
Category B82.010 - 82.020
Category C82.020 - 82.030
Check that the taper of the cylinder liners is within the recommended limits.
-Cylinder liner taper (mm)< 0.005
Check that the ovality of the cylinder liners is within the recommended limits.
-Cylinder liner ovality (mm)< 0.05
If the cylinder bore measurements are not within the recommended limits, ream the cylinder bores following the recommended oversizes.
In the case of reaming, all the bores must have the same oversize.
-Cylinder liner oversize (mm)0.1
1. Fit the bearing caps.
The bearing caps have progressively numbered references (from zero to four starting from the front of the engine) which define the fitting position.
1. Tighten the bearing cap bolts (1a) to torque using the angular tightening tool (1b).
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
1aBoltMAIN BEARING CAPSM122.5 + 100°
1bTorque wrench1.860.942.000
2. Check that the diameter of the main journal seats is within specified limits.
2Main journal seat diameter (mm)56.705 - 56.718
Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the connecting rod caps.
Check that there are no deposits or blockages in the crankshaft lubrication ducts.Check that the diameter of the main journals is within specified limits.
-New disc thickness (mm)11.8 - 12.1
If the diameter of the main journals is not correct, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
-Main journal diameter undersize (mm)0.127
Main journal diameter subject to undersize.
-Main journal diameter with 0.127 (mm) undersizeCategory A52.867 - 52.873
Category B52.861 - 52.867
Category C52.855 - 52.861
Check that the diameter of the crankpins corresponds to the recommended figures.
-Crankpin diameter (mm)Category A50.799 ÷ 50.805
Category B50.793 ÷ 50.799
Category C50.787 ÷ 50.793
If the diameter of the crankpins is not correct, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
-Crankpin undersize (mm)0.127
Values of connecting rod pin diameters subject to undersize.
-Crankpin diameter (mm)Category A50,672 - 50,678
Category B50,666 - 50,672
Category C50,660 - 50,666
Check that the small end bush internal diameter is within the recommended limits; if not, replace the worn small end bush ( ).
-Inner diameter (mm)25.279 - 25.512
Check that the outer diameter of the gudgeon pins is within the recommended limits; if not, replace the worn gudgeon pins.
-Outer diameter (mm)25.982 - 25.987
Fit the piston rings in the cylinder liner and check that the opening between the ends is within the recommended values; if this is not the case, replace the circlips.
-Gap (mm)1st sealing ring0.200 - 0.350
2nd sealing ring0.250 - 0.500
Oil scaper ring0.250 - 0.500
Check that the outer diameter of the pistons is within specified limits; if not, replace the piston complete with sealing rings and pin.
-Outer diameter (mm)Category A81.930 - 81.940
Category B81.940 - 81.950
Category C81.950 - 81.960
Measure perpendicular to the gudgeon pin axis, 10 mm from the lower edge of the skirt.
1. Check that the axial clearance (1a) between the second ring (1b) and the housing in the piston (1c) corresponds to the recommeded figure.
1aEnd float (mm)0.090 - 0.130
Check that the axial clearance between the first ring (1b) and the housing in the piston corresponds to the recommeded figures.
-End float (mm)0.015 - 0.060
Check that the axial clearance between the oil scraper ring and the housing in the piston corresponds to the recommeded figures.
-End float (mm)0.030 - 0.065
1. Fit the caps (1b) on the connecting rods (1a) and secure them tightening the bolts (1c) to torque.
Fit the connecting rods so that the number stamped on each rod faces toward the same side as the number stamped on the big end (inlet side).
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
2. - Check that the diameter of the big end corresponds to the recommended figures; if not, replace the connecting rods.
2Big end diameter (mm)53.897 ÷ 53.909
    Op. 1028H60 PISTON SET, GUDGEON PINS AND SEALS - REPLACE WITH PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODS AT THE BENCH - INCLUDES ALIGNMENT AND BALANCING.    Op. 1084B18 ENGINE OIL PUMP, REMOVED - CHECK AT BENCH.Fit the intake and secure it to the crankcase front cover using the bolts.Check that there are no signs of seizing on the flywheel ring gear teeth; if this is not the case, replace it.Fit the flywheel guard on the crankcase and tighten the bolts.Fit the crankcase on the overhaul stand and secure it using the bolts.Fit the minimum engine oil pressure warning light sensor and tighten it to torque.
-Insufficient engine oil pressure sensor (switch)    See K030 ENGINE OIL PRESSURE SENSOR (SWITCH)
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
Fit the rpm sensor and secure it using the bolt.
-Rpm sensor    See K46 RPM SENSOR ( ENGINE )
Fit the jets on the crankcase and secure them using the bolts.Fit the flywheel on the crankshaft and secure it using the bolts.Fit the upper main journal half-bearings.Fit the crankshaft in the crankcase.Fit the thrust washers on the third main journal.1. Fit the main bearing caps complete with half-bearings.
The bearing caps have progressively numbered references (from zero to four starting from the front of the engine) and a dot which define the fitting position.
1. Tighten the bearing cap bolts (1a) to torque using the angular tightening tool (1b).
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
1aBoltMAIN BEARING CAPSM122.5 + 100°
1bTorque wrench1.860.942.000
1. Fit the tool.
Rotate the crankshaft using the tool fitted previously until the crankpin for the cylinder concerned is at B.D.C.1. Fit the piston-connecting rod assembly (1a) complete with half-bearing using the tool (1b).
The piston-connecting rod assemblies are fitted in the cylinder block/crankcase so that the piston oil jets are facing the intake side.
2. Fit the connecting rod cap (2a) complete with half-bearing and secure it without tightening the bolts (2b).
Fit the connecting rods so that the number stamped on each rod faces toward the same side as the number stamped on the big end (inlet side).
Carry out the same operations to refit the pistons and connecting rods for the remaining cylinders.
1. Tighten the connecting rod cap bolts (1a) to torque using the angular tightening tool (1b).
Place an axial shim between the connecting rod and the crankshaft when tightening the connecting rod cap.
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
1bTorque wrench1.860.942.000
Remove the tool.
1. Fit the crankcase rear cover with built in oil seal.2. Tighten the crankcase rear cover bolts to torque.
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
2BoltREAR COVER CRANKSHAFTM6(Cylinder block/crankcase) 0.9
1. Place the crankcase front cover with built-in oil pump (1a) in its housing complete with intake (1b) and gasket.2. Tighten the crankcase front cover bolts, complete with oil pump, to torque.
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
1. Fit the seal (1a) on the oil pump using the tool (1b).
1bFitting tool1.860.816.000
Apply sealant to the entire perimeter of the crankcase sump.
-Silicon sealantENGINE OIL SUMPArexon RHODORSIL 5552-
1. Fit the crankcase sump.2. Tighten the side bolts (2a) fixing the crankcase sump to torque using the tool (2b).
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
2Side boltsENGINE OIL SUMPM82.5
3. Tighten the front and rear bolts (3a) crosswise fixing the crankcase sump to torque using the tool (3b).
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
3aFront and rear boltsENGINE OIL SUMPM60.9
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhaul stand.1. Fit the tool.
2. Fit the flywheel (2a) and apply LOCTITE 573 to the bolts (2b) and tighten them to torque.
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
1. Fit the clutch (1a) and tighten the bolts (1b) to the recommended torque.
1. Fit the toothed drive pulley (1c) and tighten the bolt (left hand thread) (1b) to torque.
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
Remove the tool.
Fit the fixed timing system tensioner in its housing and secure it using the bolts.Fit the timing side support.Fit the auxiliary drive belt automatic tensioner and secure it with the bolt.Fit the heat exchanger and secure it using the pin.Fit the oil filter.1. Measure the piston projection in two places at 180° on the gudgeon pin axis using the tool and take the average of the two values measured for each piston.
1Dial gauge support1.870.404.000
Select the correct size cylinder head gasket depending on the maximum average protrusions for each individual piston.
-Average maximum piston projection (mm)0.045 - 0.125
No reference (mm)0.76 - 0.84
-Average maximum piston projection (mm)0.126 - 0.225
One reference (mm)0.86 - 0.94
-Average maximum piston projection (mm)0.226 - 0.305
Two references (mm)0.96 - 1.04
Position the cylinder head locating bushes on the engine block.Fit the cylinder head gasket selected.
The cylinder head gasket is ASTADUR type. The material from which the gasket is made undergoes a polymerization process during the operation of the engine so that it becomes considerably harder during usage.
In order for the polymerization process to take place, it is necessary to:keep the gasket sealed in its casing until it is fittednot lubricate the gasket or the contact surfaces with oil.Position the cylinder head on the cylinder block/crankcase.1. Tighten the cylinder head bolts (1a) to torque using the angular tightening tool (1b). Follow the order shown in the figure for each tightening sequence.
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
1aBoltCYLINDER HEADM126.5 +90° + 90° +90°
1bTorque wrench1.860.942.000
1. Cylinder head tightening order.
Fit the injection pump mounting complete and secure it using the side and front bolts.1. Remove the engine oil pump fixing bolt.2. Fit the timing belt on the crankshaft gear only.3. Fit the pin for the tool for positioning the engine accurately at T.D.C.4. Rotate the crankshaft using small movements to allow the pulley locating dowel (4a) to enter the opening in the tool (4b).
5. Lock the tool in position using a nut (5a) and service bolt (5b).
1. Check that the bolts securing the injection pump pulley are slack, insert a cylindrical shaped centering pin with a 6 mm of an appropriate length that allows it to be inserted about 40 mm in to the opening in the pump shaft via the slot (1c) in the pulley. If the pin is not fully inserted, rotate the injection pump shaft using the nut (1d) to ensure that the openings are aligned.
1. Complete the fitting of the timing belt following the order illustrated.
When fitting the belt, check that the alignments between the timing pulley and the injection pump pulley and the references are maintained.
2. Adjusting the semi-automatic tensioning device, place the tensioner pointer (2a) in the maximum tension position, then lock the fixing nut (2b).3. Lock the rotation of the injection pump pulley inserting two M6 service bolts (3a) in the openings in the actual pulley which should correspond with the threaded openings in the pump support (correct timing). Tighten the bolts (3b) fixing the injection pump pulley to torque.
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)
Do not use the centering pin to lock the rotation of the injection pump pulley because the injection pump shaft could be ruined.
Remove the two service bolts fitting for locking the injection pump pulley.Remove the centering pin from the injection pump.Remove the tool for T.D.C.
Rotate the crankshaft throught two revolutions in its normal direction of rotation.4. Loosen the nut fixing the tensioner and, working carefully, position the tensioner (4a) reference in line with the reference opening (4b), then tighten the nut (4c) fixing the belt tensioner to torque.
FasteningComponentdia  Value(daNm)