2584792 - 5010A16 HEATER WATER RETURN PIPE - R.R.

Proceed with the removal    Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R.Proceed with the removal    Op. 5530B52 BATTERY SUPPORT/DRIP TRAY - R.R.1. Loosen the band and disconnect the water return pipe from the heater, thermostat side.
Collect any coolant that comes out.
1. Loosen the band and disconnect the water return pipe from the heater, heater side and remove it.
Place the water return pipe from the heater in position, connect it and tighten the bands.Proceed with the refitting    Op. 5530B52 BATTERY SUPPORT/DRIP TRAY - R.R.Proceed with the refitting    Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R.Refill the engine cooling system    Op. 0010T20 ENGINE COOLANT - CHANGE.