2585292 - 1028H54 piston/cylinder liner - r r

1. Remove the seals (1a) from the piston using the tool (1b).
1bExtractor/Fitting tool1.860.183.000
1. Position the connecting rod-piston assembly on the tool (1a) then, using a hydraulic press and a suitable drift, extract the gudgeon pin (1b) from the piston.
Heat the connecting rods in an oven to a temperature of around 240°C to allow the fitting of the gudgeon pin.1. Join the connecting rods to the pistons so that the gudgeon pin offset is facing the number stamped on the big end.
1. Fit the gudgeon pin (1a) using the fitting tool (1b) working in the vice with the connecting rod supported by the tool (1c).
Fit the gudgeon pin in the direction indicated by the arrow on the piston crown.
1. Check the fitting of the gudgeon pin by securing the connecting rod-piston assembly in the support tool (1a) and positioning a dial gauge to measure the movement of the pin.2. Adjust the tool nut using a torque wrench set at a torque of 1.27 daNm equal to an axial load of 392.4 daN. The matching is correct if, when the action of the torque wrench is over and the nut is returned to its original simple contact position, the dial gauge pointer returns to zero. If this is not the case, replace the connecting rod.