Functional description

The instrument panel E50 receives a supply via a line controlled by the ignition and directly from the battery. The former enters the instrument panel at pin 1 connector A protected by fuse F37 of the junction unit under the dashboard B02 coming from the body computer M01 (pin 31 connector F). The line coming directly from the battery arrives from the body computer (pin 3 connector D) at the instrument panel E50 (pin 2 connector A) and is protected by fuse F53 of the junction unit under the dashboard B02 and by fuse F1 of the engine compartment junction unit. The instrument panel E50 and the body computer M01 also communicate with pins 3 and 4 of connector A of the instrument panel and pins 5 and 6 of connector D of the body computer. There is also an earth reference at pin 7 connector A of the instrument panel E50 which comes from pin 36 connector F of the body computer. The switching on of the LEDs inside the instrument panel is controlled directly by the body computer M01 on the basis of the signals coming from the ignition switch H01 : pin 2 of connector B of the ignition switch directs the supply line controlled by the ignition (INT), whilst pin 3 connector G directs the supply line controlled by the ignition (POS) when the steering column switch unit is turned to activate the side lights.