
Parking manoeuvres are facilitated by sensors that set off a buzzer to warn the driver when obstacles are present and approaching. The system is activated by engaging reverse. Reverse engagement is indicated by means of a sound signal with a frequency of about one second. Sound beep frequency is inversely proportional to the vehicle''s distance from the obstacle. Sound beep emission becomes continuous when the vehicle is about to crash into the obstacle.A special control unit manages the entire system by controlling the parking sensors and acoustic signals.The vehicle may be fitted with a parking TV camera as an alternative to the parking sensors.The parking TV camera is located in the rear of the vehicle on the rear roof beam. This device ensures a rear view only during reverse activation.The main aim of the TV rear view system is to aid the driver during parking manoeuvres. The system allows users who have engaged reverse to carry out manoeuvres while observing the view on the Connect display. The resulting view is a mirror-image (as provided by the rear view mirror).The system consists of:

  • TV camera with optical unit,
  • protection against atmospheric and environmental agents,
  • connection leads,
  • multifunction display (built into Connect).