Operational Description

Line (50) direct from the battery leaves ignition switch H001 from pin 3 of connector A. With the ignition key turned as far as it will go (AVV), the winding of starter motor electromagnet A020 is activated.The starter motor is also supplied with voltage taken directly from battery A001.Direct current generated by alternator A010 (pin B+) is sent to recharge battery A001. When the alternator is not generating voltage and thus not recharging the battery, it sends an earth signal from pin D+ of instrument panel E050 - pin 3 connector A - to control activation of the low battery recharging warning light.When the engine is started, this signal is equal to 12 V and the warning light goes off.The entire system is protected by fuses F70 and F72 housed in battery control unit B099 and fuses F03 and F16 housed in engine bay control unit B001.