Operational Description

The LPG injection control unit M018 is supplied, at pin 1of connector B directly by the battery, from the engine compartment junction unit B001, by the line protected by fuse F18; pin 34 receives a supply controlled by the ignition from the line protected by fuse F24 housed inside the engine compartment junction unit B001. It communicates via the CAN, from pins 23 and 28, with the engine management control unit M010, at pins H4 and H3 connector A.The petrol supply relay J026 receives a direct battery supply at pin 30 from the line protected by fuse F91 housed in the fuse box B034; a direct battery supply is received at pin 85 from the same line protected by fuse F24. During starting, the LPG injection control unit M018 energizes the coil for the petrol supply relay J026 (pin 86) from pin 68 of connector A which, by closing the internal contact, supplies the LPG injectors N073 from pin 87, the petrol supply exclusion relay J027 (pin 85) and the LPG injection control unit M018 at pins 59, 80 and 66. The LPG injection control unit M018 at pin 74 energizes the petrol supply exclusion relay coil J027 at pin 86, providing the direct battery supply for the pump N041 (pin 4) from the line protected by fuse F22 housed in the engine compartment junction unit B001.The LPG solenoid valve relay J024 and the LPG return solenoid valve relay J145 receive a direct battery supply at pin 30 from the line protected by fuse F90 housed in the fuse box B069 whilst a supply controlled by the ignition is received at pin 85 from the same line protected by fuse F24. After the engine has been started, the LPG controlunit M018 sends a negative signal, from pins 54 and 67 connector A, to the LPG solenoid valve relay coils J024 and the LPG return solenoid valve relay J145 pin 86; the relay internal contacts close supplying the LPG supply solenoid valve L095 and the LPG return solenoid valve L096 from pin 87. The LPG injection control unit M018, will disable the supply for the pump N041, from pin 74 connector A, by opening the internal contact for the petrol supply exclusion relay J027. The engine management control unit manages the injectors N073 from pins 64, 57, 63 and 56.The inertia switch I050 provides the reference earth for the pump N041, at pin 3, for the LPG supply solenoid valves L059 and for the LPG regulation solenoid valve L096.The LPG control unit M018 is connected at pin 30 connector B with the LPG pressure sensor K053 supplying it from pins 16 and 22. The absolute pressure sensor K048 receives a positive supply from the engine management control unit M010, from pin C3 connector C and a reference erath from pin 33 connector B of the LPG control unit M018. The signal is sent to the engine management control unit M010 at pin C1 connector C and to the LPG injection control unit M018 to pin 44 connector B.The air temperature sensor K042 is connected to the engine management control unit M010, at pin A2 connector B and receives a reference earth from pin 33 connector B of the LPG injection control unit M018. The same reference earth is also supplied by the engine management control unit M010, from pin A3 connector B.Switching from petrol operation to LPG operation (and viceversa) can be done manually using the petrol/methane switch H094. The petrol/methane switch H094 is supplied, at pins 3 and 6, by the methane injection control unit M018, from pins 16 and 22 of connector B. Pins 2, 4 and 1 of the petrol/LPG switch H094 are connected to the methane injection control unit M018 at pins 47, 10 and 60, respectively. The petrol/LPG switch H094:provides the fuel system supply mode (petrol/LPG) for the LPG injection control unit M018 from pin 2;receives the fuel system supply mode (petrol/LPG) for the LPG injection control unit M018 from pin 4;receives the signal for the LPG level inside the canisters from pin 1.The LPG pump current sensor K185 interfaces with the LPG control unit M018 from pin 6 to pin 41 connector B and receives two types of power supply: a direct battery supply at pin 2 along the line from fuse F90 housed in the fuse box B069 only if the contact for the LPG solenoid valve relay J024 is closed and an ignition-operated supply at pin 3 along the line protected by fuse F24 housed in the engine compartment junction unit B001.The sensor supplies the LPG pump N175, from pin 5, which is connected to the inertia switch I050 which disconnects the supply in the case of an impact. The LPG control unit M018 supplies the LPG pump N175, from pin 22 connector B, with a reference earth at pin 2; the pump notifies the control unit of the LPG level by means of a variable internal resistance.The pump N175 is earthed at pin 6.The engine management control unit M010 provides a positive supply from pin E1 connector C for the timing sensor K047 and for the throttle position sensor K056. The reference earth is provided by the engine management control unit M010, from pin A2 connector C, for sensors K047 and K056 and for the LPG injection control unit M018, at pins 11 and 32 of connector B. The timing sensor K047, provides its own signal for the engine management control unit M010, at pin F3 connector B and for the LPG injection control unit M018, at pin 12. The throttle position sensor K056 provides its own signal for the engine management control unit M010 at pin B4 connector B and for the LPG injection control unit M018 at pin 43. The two Lambda sensors, upstream and downstream of the catalyzer, K017 and K018 and the fuel vapour recovery solenoid valve L010, receive a direct battery supply from the engine compartment junction unit B001, by the line protected by fuse F11 and controlled by a specific relay; the relay is operated by the engine management control unit M010, from pins A4 connector B and pin F3 connector C. Lambda sensor K018 receives a reference earth from pin E2 connector B of the engine management control unit M010 and sends its own signal to LPG injection control unit M018 at pins 35 and 46 and to control unit M101 to pins A3 and B3 connector C. Lambda sensor K017 receives a reference earth and sends its own signal to the same control unit M010, at pins D3 and E3 connector B. The engine management control unit M010 manages the operation of the fuel vapour recovery solenoid valve L010 from pin F2 connector C.The engine rpm sensor K046 is supplied by the engine management control unit M010, from pin B1 connector C and by the LPG injection control unit M018, from pin 51 of connector A. The sensor sends its own signal to control units M010 (pin B2 connector C) and M018 (pin 52) connector A.The injectors N073 are supplied by the engine compartment junction unit B001 by the same line protected by fuse F17 and are managed by the engine management control unit M010 by pins H2, H3, G2 and G3 connector C.The ignition coil A030 receive a supply from the same line protected by fuse F17 housed inside junction unit B001 and is managed by the engine management control unit M010 by pins H3 and G3 connector B.The engine management control unit M010 is connected from pins E4 and D4 connector B to the engine coolant temperature sensor K036.The LPG injection control unit is connected from pin 15 of connector B to the diagnostic socket R010 at pin 15.The diagnostic socket R010 receives signals, at pin 7, coming from pin 3 connector A of the LPG injection control unit M018 and from pin H2 connector A of the engine management control unit M010.