244002029 - E7030 DESCRIPTION OF AIR BAG


The vehicle is equipped with an electronically controlled safety system which, in the case of a frontal impact of a certain severity, activates the front Air Bags protecting the driver and the passenger.In the case of side impact of a certain severity, the front and rear Side Bags and a curtain-type Head Bag located on the front door pillar are activated.An electronic control unit manages the entire system controlling all the components and activating the Air Bag protection systems when necessary.An accelerometric sensor on the pillar of both front doors transmits a signal to the control unit in the case of a side impact.This signal is also processed inside the control unit, which may then decide to activate the Side Bags on the side where the impact was detected.The control unit is located in the middle of the facia and is secured rigidly to the body: in this way the deceleration sensors located inside the unit are near the centre of gravity and detect the deceleration for the entire vehicle accurately.The driver side air bag module is located in the middle of the steering wheel. It is fitted on a tilting plate that is also used to control the horns. The plate houses a metal container that contains the folded bag and the gas generation device that inflates the bag.A clock spring allows the connecting cables for the Air Bag module to follow the rotation of the steering wheel without danger of breaking.The passenger Air Bag module is located on the dashboard, and is fastened directly to the vehicle crossmember by means of a special bracket.The passenger air bag may be deactivated manually by means of a special switch on the facia.With the key OFF the control unit also controls activation of a special "passenger air bag disabled" warning light.The side bag is housed in the external part of the front seat. The associated sensor is located on the central pillar.The control unit is equipped with an autodiagnostic function:it detects and stores faultsit recognises the various components and the fault type;it indicates the onset of faults by means of warning lightsThe activation of the system following a particularly serious impact is memorized by the control unit.The air bag control unit power supply is protected by a fuse in the under-facia junction unit.The air bag system may come in several configurations (containing more or fewer components) according to the vehicle specification. None of the specifications includes a driver''s side bag and a pretensioner for the front central passenger seat belt.