- Position the vehicle on a lift.- Remove the protective cap from the bleed valve on one of the front brake calipers.- Connect the recovery device (pipe and reservoir) to the brake caliper bleed valve.- Operate the brake pedal until the brake/clutch reservoir is drained.1. Working from inside the vehicle, act on the locking spring (1a) and disconnect the rigid pipe (1b) from the master cylinder (pump).
See in Op. 1048A501. Undo the bolts fixing the air filter casing mounting bracket.2. Undo the bolt fixing the air filter casing to the bracket joined to the windscreen washer fluid reservoir.3. Remove the air filter casing from the engine compartment.
1. Lift up the spring (1a) and disconnect the pipe (1b) from the clutch release cylinder.- Raise the vehicle.- Remove the pipe from the engine compartment.
- Fit the pipe in the housing in the engine compartment.- Connect the pipe to the clutch release cylinder.- Fit the air filter casing and tighten the nuts fixing it to the mounting and to the screen washer fluid reservoir. See in Op. 1048A50- Op. 0010T67 HYDRAULIC CLUTCH SYSTEM BLEED AIR