Proceed with the dismantling.1. Fit the tool.
1Counter-torque1.860.741.000Tool for preventing crankshaft rotation
2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the clutch (2b).
1. Undo the flywheel fixing bolts.2. Remove the tool.
2Counter-torque1.860.741.000Tool for preventing crankshaft rotation
3. Remove the flywheel.
1. Remove the protective cover.2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the crankcase rear cover (2b) with the oil seal incorporated.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the crankcase front cover (1b) with the oil seal incorporated.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the engine oil intake duct (1b) releasing it from its housing.2. Undo the fixing bolts (2a) and remove the front manifold side bracket (2b).3. Undo the fixing bolts (3a) and remove the pressure pump side front bracket (3b) complete with engine rpm sensor.4. Undo the fixing bolts (4a) and remove the intermediate driveshaft mounting bracket (4b).5. Undo the fixing bolts (5a) and remove the pressure pump side rear bracket (5b).6. Undo the fixing bolts (6a) and remove the rear manifold side bracket (6b).
1. Fit the tool.
1Flange1.860.815.000Crankshaft rotation
Rotate the crankshaft using the tool fitted previously until the cylinder concerned is at B.D.C.2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the connecting rod cap (2b).3. Remove the lower connecting rod half-bearing.4. Remove the connecting rod-piston assembly.5. Remove the upper connecting rod half-bearing.Carry out the same operations to remove the pistons and connecting rods for the remaining cylinders.Remove the tool.
.Flange1.860.815.000Crankshaft rotation
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the lower crankcase (1b) and the gasket (1c).2. Remove the lower main journal half-bearings.3. Remove the crankshaft.4. Remove the upper main journal half-bearings.
1. Lower the non-slip fins, undo the bolts and remove the jets from the crankcase.
Rotate the crankcase through 180° on the overhaul stand.1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the fixed timing belt tensioner (1b).2. Undo the bolts (2a) and remove the front engine support complete with water pump (2b).3. Undo the bolts (3a) and remove the auxiliary unit (3b).
Remove the cylinder head centering pins.Remove any damaged or broken studs.Drill and remove the water/oil sealing plugs from the crankcase to allow for washing.Undo the bolts and remove the crankcase from the mounting brackets, then place it on a special workbench.Characteristic of working principle Proceed with the reassembly.Wash the dismantled components.Fit the water/oil sealing plugs in the crankcase using suitable fitting tools.Lubricate all the mechanical components with engine oil.Check that the cylinder head support surface does not have cracks or superficial grooves.Check that the planarity of the cylinder head support surface corresponds to the recommended figure; if this is not the case, regrind the cylinder head support surface.
.Crankcase and componentsmm
-Cylinder support surface flatness< 0,10
1. Measure the cylinder bore/liner diameter.
1Cylinder liner boremm
-Category A94,402 - 94,412
-Category B94,413 - 94,422
-Category C,94,423 - 94,432
The measurements should be taken for each cylinder at three different heights for the bore/liner (1, 2, 3) and at two perpendicular planes (a, b).
Check that the taper of the cylinder liners is within the recommended limits.
.Crankcase and componentsmm
-Cylinder liner taper< 0,05
Check that the ovality of the cylinder liners is within the recommended limits.
.Crankcase and componentsmm
-Cylinder liner ovality< 0,05
If the cylinder bore measurements are not within the recommended limits, ream the cylinder bores following the recommended oversizes.
In the case of reaming, all the bores must have the same oversize.
.Crankcase and componentsmm
-Cylinder liner oversize0,40
1. Extract the gearbox input shaft centering ring using the tool.
1Mallet1.840.206.001Gearbox drive input shaft locating ring
1Extractor1.840.207.814Gearbox drive input shaft locating ring
1. Make two millings in the timing gear (1a), then extract it using a special extractor (1b).
Check that there are no deposits or blockages in the crankshaft lubrication ducts.Check the static balance of the crankshaft resting the main journals on suitable parallels.Check that the diameter of the main journals is within specified limits.
-Main journal diameter80,182 - 80,208
-Main journal diameter86,182- 86,208 (*)
(*) main journal n°5If the diameter of the main journals is not correct, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
-Main journal undersize0,254 - 0,508
The main journals should all be reground to the same undersize.
The undersize should be marked by a special stamp on the side of the no. 1 crank arm.
For undersize main journals: the letter M.
For undersize main journals and crankpins: the letters MB.
Check that the diameter of the crankpins corresponds to the recommended figures.
-Crankpin diameter56,515 - 56,538
If the diameter of the crankpins is not correct, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
-Main journal undersize0,254 - 0,508
The crankpins should all be reground to the same undersize.
The undersize should be marked by a special stamp on the side of the no. 1 crank arm.
For undersize crankpins: the letter B.
For undersize main journals and crankpins: the letters MB.
-Main journal misalignment0,05
-Crankpin misalignment0,125
1. Regrind the shaft following the recommended figures.
Since for crankpin undersizes of 0.508 mm and main journal undersizes of 0.254 and 0.508 mm the rolled part of the half-bearings may be damaged, if necessary, replace them.
Check that the thickness of the half-bearings corresponds to the recommended figures; if not, replace them.
.Main bearing half thicknessmm
-Category A2,165 - 2,174
-Category B2,319 - 2,428
-Category C2,573 - 2,682
Check that the thickness of the connecting rod half-bearings is within specified limits; if not, replace them.
.Connecting rod bearing half thicknessmm
-Category A1,875 - 1,884
-Category B2,129 - 2,138
-Category C2,483 - 2,492
Fit the upper main journal half-bearings in the cylinder block/crankcase.Fit the crankshaft in the crankcase1. Fit the calibrated wire (plastigate) for measuring the bearing clearance.
Do not move the crankshaft during the checking operations.
Position the gaskets and the lower main journal half-bearings on the lower crankcase.Fit the lower crankcase.1. Tighten the bolts fixing the lower crankcase to the recommended torque in the order given.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
1(engine crankcase side) 4.5 -5.5BoltLOWER CRANKCASEM14
1. Check that the crankshaft endfloat corresponds to the recommended figures using a magnetic base and dial gauge.
-End float0,049 - 0,211
If the crankshaft endfloat does not correspond to the recommended figure, the crankshaft must be reground and the crankshaft half-bearings replaced as a result.
The flywheel side crankshaft bearing has thrust washers incorporated.
It is only available as spares with normal size thrust washers.
1. Remove the lower crankcase and the half-bearings and measure the bearing clearance using the special gauge.
.Crankshaft bearingsmm
-Radial clearance0,032 - 0,102
If the figure measured is outside of the tolerance, replace the half-bearings with ones of the correct size and category.
Characteristic of working principle     Op. 1028H58 CONNECTING ROD SMALL END BUSH - REPLACECheck that the internal diameter of the piston bushes is within the recommended limits; if not, replace the piston.
.Engine piston set
-Piston bush internal diameter32,003 - 32,009
Check that the outer diameter of the gudgeon pins is within the recommended limits; if not, replace the gudgeon pins.
.Gudgeon pinmm
-Outer diameter31,996 - 31,999
Check that the outer diameter of the pistons is within specified limits; if not, replace the piston complete with sealing rings and pin.
1Outer diametermm
-Category A94,310 - 94,320
-Category B94,320 - 94,330
-Category C94,330 - 94,340
Measure perpendicular to the gudgeon pin axis, 10 mm from the lower edge of the skirt.
1. If the bore has to be reamed, fit the piston rings (1a) and the oil scraper ring in the cylinder bore and check that the gap (1b) between the end of each ring corresponds to the recommended figures; if not, replace the piston rings.
1Piston ring setmm
-First ring gap0,20 - 0,35
-Second ring gap0,30 - 0,50
-Oil scraper ring gap0,30 - 0,55
Check that the thickness of the piston rings and the oil scraper ring is within the recommended limits.
.Piston ring setmm
-First ring size2,068 - 2,097 (*)
-Second ring size1,970 - 1,995
-Oil scraper ring size2.470 - 2.490, mm
(*) measured at the 91.4 mm diameter
piston rings are available as spares in 0.4 mm oversizes.
1. Check that the axial clearance (1a) between each ring (1b) and the housing in the piston (1c) corresponds to the recommeded figure.
1aPiston ring setmm
-First ring end float0,103 - 0,162
-Second ring end float0,055 - 0,100
-Oil scraper ring end float0,050 - 0,090
Characteristic of working principle Fit the crankcase on the overhaul stand and secure it using the bolts.Fit the upper main journal half-bearings in the cylinder block/crankcase.Fit the crankshaft in the crankcase.Position the gaskets and the lower main journal half-bearings on the lower crankcase.Fit the lower crankcase.Tighten the bolts fixing the lower crankcase to the recommended torque in the order given.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
.(engine crankcase side) 4.5 -5.5BoltLOWER CRANKCASEM14
1. Fit the tool.
1Flange1.860.815.000Crankshaft rotation
Rotate the crankcase through 90° on the overhaul stand.Rotate the crankshaft until the cylinder concerned is at B.D.C.1. Fit the piston-connecting rod assembly (1a) complete with half-bearing using the tool (1b).
1bFitting tool1.860.700.000Piston ring fitting
The piston-connecting rod assemblies are fitted in the crankcase with the reference stamped on the piston facing the flywheel side and the reference on the skirt in line with the oil jets.
Rotate the crankcase through 90° on the overhaul stand.1. Fit the connecting rod cap (1a) complete with half-bearing (1b) and secure it without tightening the bolts (1c).
Fit the connecting rods so that the number stamped on each rod faces towardt he same side as the number stamped on the big end (pressure pump side).
Carry out the same operations to refit the pistons and connecting rods for the remaining cylinders.
1. Tighten the connecting rod cap bolts (1a) to the recommended torque using the angular tightening tool (1b).
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
1a4,5 - 5,5 + 63°BoltCONNECTING ROD CAPSM12
1bTorque wrench1.860.942.000Connecting rod cap bolt tightening
Fit the engine oil intake and tighten the fixing bolts.Fit the brackets on the lower crankcase securing them using the bolts.Apply sealant to the entire perimeter of the crankcase sump.
.Dow Corning 7091-ENGINE OIL SUMPSilicon sealant-
Fit the crankcase sump.Tighten the bolts securing the crankcase sump to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
Fit the auxiliary unit and screw in the bolts without tightening them to torque.
The auxiliary units support is also fastened using four M12 bolts which secure the compressor at the same time. All the bolts are tightened to torque when the compressor is fitted (see OP 1004D40).
Fit the front engine support complete with water pump after having applied the sealant and tighten the bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
.(injector side) 5.0BoltCOOLANT PUMPM10
.Dow Corning 7091-COOLANT PUMPSilicon sealant-
Fit the lower fixed tensioner and secure it tightening the fixing bolt to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
Fit the guard and the upper fixed tensioner tightening the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
1. Measure the piston projection in two places at 180° on the gudgeon pin axis using the tool and take the average of the two values measured for each piston.
1Dial gauge support1.870.404.000Piston projection from cylinder head support plane check
at the end of the measuring operations ensure that the piston for cylinder no. 1 is at TDC (the reference made on the timing gear should be vertical).
Remove the tool.
.Flange1.860.815.000Crankshaft rotation
Select the correct size cylinder head gasket depending on the maximum average protrusions for each individual piston.
the difference between the minimum and maximum values should not be more than 0.20 mm.
.Cylinder head gasketmm
-Average maximum piston projection0,40 - 0,50
.Cylinder head gasketmm
-Average maximum piston projection0,51 - 0,60
.Cylinder head gasketmm
-Average maximum piston projection0,61 - 0,70
.Cylinder head gasketmm
-Average maximum piston projection0,71 - 0,80
Position the cylinder head locating bushes on the engine block.Fit the cylinder head gasket with the word "ALTO" facing the mechanic.
the arrow indicates where the gasket size is stamped.
The cylinder head gasket is ASTADUR type.
The material from which the gasket is made undergoes a polymerization process during the operation of the engine so that it becomes considerably harder during usage.
In order for the polymerization process to take place, it is necessary to:
Position the cylinder head on the cylinder block/crankcase.
before fitting the cylinder head, rotate the camshaft so that the valves for cylinder no. 1 are closed and those for cylinder no. 4 are in the crossover stage (the references on the gear and the cylinder head should be aligned).
1. Tighten the cylinder head bolts (1a) to the recommended torque using the angular tightening tool (1b).
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
1a6,0 + 6,0 + 180°BoltCYLINDER HEADM12
1bTorque wrench1.860.942.000Tightening cylinder head bolts to cylinder block
Follow the order shown in the figure for each tightening sequence.
Fit the protective cover.Fit the crankcase rear cover with the oil seal incorporated and tighten the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
.(engine crankcase side) 2.5BoltREAR COVER CRANKSHAFTM8
1. Fit the tool.
1Counter-torque1.860.741.000Tool for preventing crankshaft rotation
2. Fit the flywheel (2a), apply thread-locking agent to the bolts (2b) and tighten them to the recommended torque using the angular tightening tool (2c).
2bLOCTITE 573FLYWHEEL (MECH.)Thread locking agent
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
2b(crankshaft side) 3 +90°BoltFLYWHEEL (MECH.)M12 X 1.25
2cTorque wrench1.895.897.001Flwheel retaining bolt tightening
1. Fit the clutch (1a) using the tool (1b)
1bClutch locating tool1.870.402.000Clutch installation
2. Tighten the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
2(Engine crankshaft side) 13.6 -16.8BoltCLUTCH ASSEMBLYM12
3. Remove the tool.
3Counter-torque1.860.741.000Tool for preventing crankshaft rotation
the fixing bolts come in two different lengths: positions 1,2,9,10,11,12,19,20,21,22 are occupied by long bolts, the other positions by short bolts.
Fit the crankcase front cover with the oil seal incorporated and tighten the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
.(engine crankcase side) 2.3BoltFRONT COVER CRANKSHAFTM8
Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhaul stand.1. Check that the reference on the timing gear is in a vertical position.2. Check that the camshaft references are aligned.3. Fit the tool.
3Calibrated shim1.860.638.000Timing belt tensioning
1. Fully fit the toothed timing drive belt.Remove the tool.
.Calibrated shim1.860.638.000Timing belt tensioning
Rotate the crankshaft through two revolutions.Check once again that the timing references on the crankshaft and the camshaft are aligned.2. Tighten the belt tensioner nut to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
2(cylinder head side) 2.5NutMOBILE TIMING TENSIONERM8
Remove the tool.
.Flange1.860.815.000Crankshaft rotation
Fit the timing belt covers and secure them using the bolts.Fit the oil filler plug.Fit the tool.
.Counter-torque1.860.741.000Tool for preventing crankshaft rotation
Fit the crankshaft pulley and tighten the bolt to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
.(crankshaft side) 20BoltCRANKSHAFT PULLEYM20
Remove the tool.
.Counter-torque1.860.741.000Tool for preventing crankshaft rotation
Fit the camshaft cover and the gasket underneath and tighten the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
1. Fit the injector bracket support pads.2. Fit the injectors (2a) complete with gasket (2b).3. Fit the injector brackets (3a) and tighten the bolts (3b) to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
1. Position the connectors for the pipe from the injectors to the fuel recovery manifold in the injector housings and connect the pipe to the fuel manifold.2. Fit the pipes from the fuel manifold to the injectors.3. Tighten the connectors for the pipes from the fuel manifold to the manifold side injectors to the recommended torque.
always replace the pipes complete with connectors.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
3(Manifold end) 2.6 - 3.2ConnectorPIPE FUEL MANIFOLD TO INJECTORSM14
4. Tighten the connectors for the pipes from the fuel manifold to the injector side injectors to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
4(Injector end) 1.9 -2.3ConnectorPIPE FUEL MANIFOLD TO INJECTORSM12
1. Fit the oil dipstick assembly and secure it using the bolt.2. Place the pipe from the pressure pump to the single fuel manifold back in its housing, then tighten the connector for the pipe from the pressure pump to the fuel manifold, pump side, to the recommended torque.
always replace the pipes complete with connectors.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
2(Pressure pump end) 1.9 - 2.3ConnectorPRESSURE PUMP LINE TO FUEL MANIFOLDM12
3. Tighten the connector for the pipe from the pressure pump to the fuel manifold, fuel manifold side, to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
3(Fuel manifold end) 2.6 - 3.2ConnectorPRESSURE PUMP LINE TO FUEL MANIFOLDM14
4. Fit the pipe from the fuel supply connector to the pressure pump.
Fit the intake manifold and the gasket underneath and tighten the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
Value daNmFasteningComponentØ  
Connect the thermal starter fuel pipe connector to the fuel manifold.Connect the electrical connectors for the wiring to the sensors/actuators.Fit the wiring mounting brackets and secure them using the bolts.Fit the injector cover.Characteristic of working principle