The diagram below shows the pressure reduction unit.The pressure reduction unit is fitted in the engine compartment. It includes the actual pressure reduction unit (1) and a cut out solenoid valve (2); a methane pressure sensor (3) is also fitted on it.The high pressure pipe (5) conveys the methane from the canister to the pressure reduction unit inlet, whilst the low pressure pipe (6) is connected at the unit outlet.
Pressure reduction unit operation
The pressure reduction unit has the task of reducing the pressure of the methane from the value in the canister to the supply valve for the methane injectors (9 ± 1 bar), in all engine operating conditions.The pressure reduction takes place in one stage where the pressure is decreased from 200 to 9 bar.When the pressure in the canister decreases to approximately 15 bar, the CNG control unit automatically switches from methane to petrol operation because at a pressure of below 15 bar at the reduction unit inlet this would automatically result in a pressure of below 9 bar at the oulet and this pressure would be too low for the engine to run smoothly.Since the temperature of the methane decreases considerably as a result of its expansion due to the sudden increase in pressure, the engine cooling circuit has a branch (7) that allows the engine coolant to heat the pressure reduction unit in order to prevent any problems due to the rise in temperature. (The diagram shows the assembly seen from above).