The radio P020 (pin A4 of connector A) receives a direct power supply from the battery via the line protected by fuse F36 of the Body Computer M001 (pin 12 of connector E).Pin A8 of connector A of P020 is connected to the driver''s dashboard earth C015.The radio P020 (pins A1 and A3 of connector A) is connected via the B-CAN to the Body Computer (pins 22 and 17 of connector D) and to the other system nodes.The radio aerial P025 (or, on versions with Blue&Me, the triple function aerial P110) is connected via the coaxial cable to connector C of P020.The amplifier located in the subwoofer P092 receives a direct power supply from the battery (pin 3) via the line protected by fuse F02 of the engine compartment junction unit B001 (pin 25 of connector B); pin 7 of P092 is connected to the left rear earth C030.Pin 8 of P092 is connected to the radio P020 (pin A5 of connector A) which supplies a positive signal to enable the subwoofer to be switched on. The same signal is supplied to the amplifier P070 (pin 8 of connector B).The amplifier P070 also receives a direct power supply from the battery (pin 1 of connector B) via the line protected by fuse F02 of junction unit B001; pin 2 of connector B is connected to the left rear earth C030.Connector A of the radio P020 also provides the connection for the signals with the amplifier P070 and with the subwoofer P092. Specifically:

  • from pin B1 (+ right rear speaker), to pin 9 of connector B of P070 and to pin 2 of P092;
  • from pin B2 (- right rear speaker), to pin 3 of connector B of P070 and to pin 5 of P092;
  • from pin B7 (+ left rear speaker), to pin 10 of connector B of P070 and to pin 1 of P092;
  • from pin B8 (- left rear speaker), to pin 4 of connector B of P070 and to pin 4 of P092;
  • from pin B3 (+ right front speaker), to pin 7 of connector A of P070;
  • from pin B4 (- right front speaker), to pin 1 of connector A of P070;
  • from pin B5 (+ left front speaker), to pin 8 of connector A of P070;
  • from pin B6 (- left front speaker), to pin 2 of connector A of P070.
The following cables with signals for the speakers leave connector A of P070:

  • from pins 6 (+) and 14 (-) to the driver''s front speakers P035 (mid-woofer) and P045 (tweeter);
  • from pins 11 (+) and 10 (-) to the passenger side front speakers P036 (mid-woofer) and P046 (tweeter);
  • from pins 5 (+) and 4 (-) to the left rear speaker P030 (full-range);
  • from pins 12 (+) and 13 (-) to the right rear speaker P031 (full-range).
The radio controls on the steering wheel are connected to the Body Computer M001 via the clock spring D47. Specifically:

  • at pin 6 of D047 the reference earth signal from pin 35 of connector D of M001 is received;
  • the signal is sent, from pin 4 of D047, for the MUTE, VOL+ and VOL- controls (located to the left of the steering wheel) to pin 50 of connector D of M001;
  • the signal is sent, from pin 3 of D047, for the SOURCE, SCAN+ and SCAN- controls (located to the right of the steering wheel) to pin 52 of connector D of M001.
On the Bluetooth and Blue&Me configurations, connector B of P020 is connected to the Convergence control unit M162.    See E3570 INTEGRATED RADIO PHONE    See E4090 NAVIGATORThe Body computer M001 receives a direct battery power supply (pin 1 of connector A) protected by fuse F01 of the engine compartment junction unit B001 (pin 18 of connector B); it also receives an ignition-controlled power supply (INT) at pin 11 of connector E.The Body computer M001 is also connected to the driver''s side dashboard earth C015 via pins 9 and 10 of connector E.