312002522 - 5570T80 CAR RADIO EQUIPMENT - R+R

Removing ( Refitting ) - Disconnect the negative battery terminal.
-Battery    See A001 BATTERY
1. Release the trim using a suitable tool.
1. With the specified tool, move the car radio retainers and extract it from its housing.
1.870.848.000ForksRadio extraction all versions
1. Detach electrical connections (1a) and aerial (1b).
1aRadio    See P020 RADIO
2. Remove the radio.
Refitting ( Removing ) 1. Connect electrical connections (1a) and aerial (1b).
1aRadio    See P020 RADIO
2. Place the radio in position.
- Fit the radio in position and check it is correctly locked.- Fit the trims in position and check they are correctly locked.- Connect the negative battery terminal.
-Battery    See A001 BATTERY