312002283 - Blue & Me (Blue&Me)

“Blue & Me”

Blue&Me based on Windows Mobile is a personal telematic system which allows the use of applications for communication and entertainment, specially designed for use in vehicles.

The Blue&Me system is available in two versions:

  • standard version, (C1-V2) with hands-free function for Bluetooth mobile phones with voice commands, SMS voice player and media player with USB port,
  • Blue&Me Nav de-luxe version (C3) which, in addition to the previous functions, includes a satellite navigation system which uses the USB port, with map pre-loading and shows the navigation information on the control panel reconfigurable multifunction display.
The Blue&Me Nav de-luxe version is described in    See descriptions 5580M ON-BOARD NAVIGATOR

The Blue&Me system installed on the vehicle has the following functions available:

  • Telephone hands-free
  • SMS reader
  • Multimedia player.

Blue & me hands-free system

Thanks to its complete integration with the voice commands, the controls on the steering wheel and the information in the on board multifunction display information, the Blue&Me system allows Customers who have a mobile phone with Bluetooth to use it even if it is in their jacket pocket or handbag without ever having to take their hands off the steering wheel.In order to use the voice commands the voice recognition system does not require any preparation process. The system is capable of recognizing the voice commands given, irrespective of gender, by the tone of voice and intonation of the person giving the instructions and no training or pre-registration is required.It is also possible to listen to music stored on a USB device, selecting the tracks and play modes using either the controls on the steering wheel or voice commands.At the key on the display will only show the Blue&Me logo for 2 seconds as illustrated below for dot-matrix panels and where the Blue&Me and Blue&Me NAV option is present.
Later on, the check will continue normally with the activation of the remaining information described above and the display of the logo is concluded.

Components and their location

The Blue&Me system components are:

  • Blue&Me control unit
  • Radio with Tel-IN and Tel-MUTE inputs
  • Microphone in ceiling courtesy light
  • Controls on the steering wheel
  • Display in control panel
  • USB port (centre tunnel).
1. Controls on the steering wheel2a. Multifunction display2b. Reconfigurable multifunction display3. USB port

Blue&me control unit

The Blue&Me control unit is connected via the B-CAN to the radio node and the Body Computer which, in turn, is connected to the controls on the steering wheel.The Blue&Me control unit is fitted on a dedicated bracket and is secured to the rear side frame (left side).Blue&me control unit electrical specificationsOperating voltage range: 6 - 16 Volt.Nominal supply voltage: 13.5 Volt.Voltage limit for 1 min.: 24 Volt.Max current absorption: 220 mA (C1-V2) 500 mA (C3).Standby current absorption: 1.7 mA.ConnectorsThere are two (32 pin) connectors on the control unit which, depending on the Blue&Me version, may or may not be used. The table below illustrates the usage of the connectors depending on the Blue&Me version:
X: Present.O: Missing.
Connector A pinout
3USB D ( + )
4USB signal earth (GND)
5Audio output (L)
6USB cable screening
7TEL out ( + )
8MIC ( + )
14B CAN ( A )
16+ 30
19USB D ( - )
20Signal USB
21Audio output (earth)
22Audio output (R)
23TEL out ( - )
24MIC. screening
25TEL ( mute )
30B CAN ( B )
32+ 15
USB: USB port that can be used as an alternative to the one located at the base of the centre console.
Connector C pin out
1Bus signal
2USB D ( - )
3USB D ( + )
4USB signal earth (GND)

Microphone in ceiling courtesy light

The microphone is fitted in the ceiling near the front courtesy light.
Connector pin out
Microphone electrical specificationsOperating voltage range: 7.4 - 8.5 Volt.Nominal supply voltage: 8 Volt.Max current absorption: 5 mA.Standby current absorption: 1 mA.

Usb port

The USB port is located on the centre tunnel near the handbrake lever.

Controls on the steering wheel

Via the controls on the steering wheel, the Blue&Me and radio share the source of controls and each piece of equipment responds to its own controls depending on the button activated and the operating mode activated at the time (in this case the Blue&Me will inhibit the radio from carrying out the commands from the steering wheel when the hands-free function is activated).
The table below lists the functions for the controls on the steering wheel.
KeyBrief press (< 1s)Long press (> 1s)
1- Activation of Blue&Me Main Menu.- Confirmation of menu option selected.- Accept incoming phone call.- Change from one telephone conversation to another in second call mode (call notification).- Selection of message displayed.- Refuse incoming phone call.- Ending of phonecall in progress.
2- Deactivation of voice recognition.- Interruption of voice message.- Interruption of SMS message reading.- Exit from Blue&Me Main Menu.- Exit from a sub menu and return to the previous menu option.- Exit from the current selection with memorizing.- Deactivation/reactivation of the microphone during a phone conversation.- Resetting the volume of the call tone for the incoming phonecall.- Activation/Deactivation of multimedia player pause function.
3- Activation of the voice recognition.- Interruption of the voice message in order to give a new voice command.- Repetition of the last voice message given by the system.
4- Adjustment of audio volume for Blue&Me functions: hands-free, SMS reader, multimedia player, voice announcements.
5- Scrolling through Blue&Me menu items.- Selection of multimedia player tracks.- Scrolling through SMS messages in the list.
6- Confirmation of menu option selected during manual interaction.- Transfer of the telephone conversation in progress from the hands-free system to the mobile phone and vice versa.- Audio source selection (Radio, CD, CD Changer, Multimedia Player).- Selection of SMS message displayed.
For many functions, the controls on the steering wheel (1) and (6) are interchangeable and the preferred button can be selected. For both operating modes for the controls on the steering wheel (short or prolonged press), the function is activated when the button is released.

Blue&me menu

The Blue&Me Main Menu shows the options in a list via the control panel multifunction display. The available options makes it possible to activate the functions of alter the Blue&Me system settings.

To activate the Blue&Me Main Menu press the TEL/MAIN button after which it should be possible to start interacting with the system using the controls on the steering wheel.

  • Press the buttons (5) to navigate through the menu items.
  • Press the SRC/OK or TEL/MAIN buttons to select the option shown on the display.
  • Press the MUTE/ESC button to exit from the item shown on the display or from a sub menu.
  • To answer an incoming phonecall whilst another phone conversation is in progress, press the TEL/MAIN button and the system will switch to the incoming call and place the other call on hold.
  • To transfer a phone conversation from the hands-free system to the mobile phone, press SRC/OK.
When displaying the names in the directory, if the number of letters exceeds the maximum permitted, the name will be cut short.
Last callsThis sub menu makes it possible to see a list of recent calls either made or received. This list is downloaded from the mobile phone memory and updated when using the hands-free.Address bookThis sub menu makes it possible to see the address book telephone numbers and select one to make a call.If the telephone directory contains a lot of names they will be grouped together in alphabetical sub menus. The number of people within a sub menu depends on the number of names in the telephone directory.Sms readerThis sub menu makes it possible to read the last SMS message received, call the SMS message sender or delete the last SMS message received. Up to 20 text messages can be stored i a dedicated list and listened to, the sender called or they can be deleted. It is also possible to choose the notification mode for text messages received.The SMS message reader sub menu, in turn, contains the following items:1) Read message: reading the latest message received.2) Message player: Activation of message reader menu.2a) Read latest message: Reading the latest message received.2b) Messages received: Access to list of received messages.2b 1) Read: Reading the message selected from those in the message list.2b 2) Call: Activation of calling the number.2b 3) Delete: Deleting the message selected from the message list.2b 4) Forward: Move on to the next message.2b 5) Back: Move on to the previous message.2c) Delete messages: Delete all the messages in the message list.2d) Type of notification: Activation of notification settings function.2d 1) Deactivate player: Deactivation of SMS message player.2d 2) Visual and acoustic: Signalling, both visual through control panel display and acoustic through a bip, of a new incoming message.2d 3) Visual only: Visual signalling only, through control panel display, of a new incoming message.Multimedia playerThis sub menu makes it possible to scroll through digital audio tracks by folder, artist, type, album or play lists. Tracks can be selected and played using this sub menu.The multimedia player sub menu, in turn, contains the following items:1) M.M. Player: Activation of M.M. player menu2) Sound: Activation of reproduction of digital audio.3) Stop: Interruption of reproduction of digital audio.4) Next: Advance to menu option or next music track.
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