With the telephone activated, the voice of the other speaker is heard, but they cannot hear the speaker in the vehicle.This table does not consider faults due to the service provider or phone malfunctionsN.B.: The following telephones are enabled for operation with Bluetooth and are currently supported by the system on the vehicle:Audiovox® SMT 5600/Orange™ C500 - Motorola® Mpx220** Motorola V3 Razr* Motorola V525* Motorola V600* Motorola V635 Nokia® 3230 Nokia 6230 Nokia 6230i Nokia 6600† Nokia 6620 Nokia 6820 Nokia 7610 Nokia 9500 Communicator* Sony-Ericsson® k700i Sony-Ericsson k750i Sony-Ericsson P910aSony-Ericsson S710a Sony-Ericsson T610** Sony-Ericsson T630** Sony-Ericsson T637** Sony-Ericsson Z600*** The system is not currently capable of supporting a GPRS (General Packet Radio Services) connection when connected to this mobile phone.** The system is not currently capable of supporting the hands-free function when connected to this mobile phone.† The system is not currently capable of supporting call waiting when connected to this mobile phone.
1ACTIVE DIAGNOSIS CHECKAll OKProblems encounteredOperation
Connect to the convergence node using the Examiner and select "Configurations" in Active Diagnosis. Carry out the "Audio system test" and check whether the radio produces a beep.Move on to Step 21. There is a beep from the radio.2. There is no beep from the radio.1. Move on to Step 22. Move on to Step 3
2MICROPHONE CONNECTIONS CHECKAll OKProblems encounteredOperation
Check the continuity and the insulation of the electrical circuit between the microphone and the Convergence control unit    See E3570 INTEGRATED RADIO PHONECheck that the microphone is working properly. Move on to Step 31. Microphone not correctly connected.2. Wiring between microphone and convergence interrupted.3. Microphone defective.1. Restore the correct connection.2. Restore wiring continuity.3. Replace the control panel complete with microphone.
3WIRING CHECKAll OKProblems encounteredOperation
Check the continuity of the connections between the convergence and the radio. Check that the convergence is receiving the correct power supply    See E3570 INTEGRATED RADIO PHONECheck that the radio is correctly supplied    See E3510 RADIO End of diagnosis.1. Wiring broken.2. Convergence power supply not correct.3. Radio power supply not correct.4. Convergence defective.1. Restore the continuity of the connections between the convergence node and the radio.2. Restore correct power supply for the convergence.3. Restore the correct power supply for the radio.4. Replace the convergence control unit    Op. 5570T49 BLUETOOTH ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT - R.R.