Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Undo bolts (1a) and nut (1b) securing the water pump to the crankcase.2. Remove the sealant using the tool (2a) and remove the water pump (2b).
1870718000BladeCut sealant
- Clean thoroughly between the crankcase and water pump mating surfaces.3. Remove the minimum engine oil pressure switch.
1. Fit the tool (1a) and undo the bolt (1b) securing the crankshaft gear.
2000004500TemplateCrankshaft timing1.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
- Remove the template fitted previously.2. Remove the crankshaft gear.3. Undo the bolt (3a) and remove the rpm sensor (3b).
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the crankcase front cover (1b) with the oil pump incorporated, complete with gasket (1c) and intake duct (1d).
1. Undo bolts (1a) and remove crankshaft rear cover (1b) with built-in oil seal.
- Rotate the engine block through 180°.1. Fit the tool for rotating the crankshaft.
1860815000FlangeCrankshaft rotation1.3 Multijet1.4 16v TJET
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the connecting rod caps (1b).2. Remove the lower connecting rod half-bearings.3. Remove the connecting rod - piston assemblies.4. Remove the upper connecting rod half-bearings.
The arrow on the piston crown facing the timing side indicates the fitting direction.The matching of the connecting rod-cap is the "BREAKING" type therefore the position is compulsory and the number corresponding to the position of the cylinder must be present.
- Remove the flange for rotating the crankshaft fitted previously.1. Using a dial gauge, check that the crankshaft endfloat is within specified limits.
Crankshaft endfloat (mm)0.155 ÷ 0.3551.4 16v T-JET
- Remove the dial gauge.
If the value for the crankshaft endfloat does not correspond with the recommended figures, when refitting, regrind the crankcase seat and use the central main bearing half incorporating appropriately oversized crankshaft thrust half-washers.
1. Undo the bolts (1a) and remove the lower crankcase (1b), complete with lower half-bearings, from the engine block.
1. Remove the lower main half bearings from the engine block.2. Remove the crankshaft.3. Remove the upper main half-bearings.
1. Undo the bolt and remove the knock sensor.
- Remove the engine block base locating bushes with the engine block.- Raise the engine block using a hydraulic lift and place it on a suitable workbench.    Op. 1028H60 SET OF PISTONS, GUDGEON PINS AND SEALS - REPLACE PISTONS AND CONNECTING RODS AT THE BENCH - INCLUDES ALIGNMENT AND BALANCING     Op. 1084B18 ENGINE OIL PUMP, REMOVED - CHECK AT BENCH 1. Remove the coolant chamber plugs from the crankcase using an appropriate steel striker.2. Remove the lubrication duct plug from the crankcase using a steel striker.
1. Remove the oil jets (1a) using the tool (1b).
1860395000StrikerEngine oil jet removal1.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
Insert the drift guide hole on the nozzle surface to prevent the drift from slipping and damaging the cylinder liner during the removal operation.
Use new oil jets when refitting.
Refitting ( Removing ) - Wash and check the appearance of all components removed.- Place the crankcase on the overhaul stand.- Fit the water/oil sealing plugs in the crankcase using suitable fitting tools and sealant.- Fit the locating bushes for the crankcase.1. Use the tool (1a) and a plastic mallet to fit the new oil jets (1b).
1860313000Fitting toolEngine oil jet fitting1.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
1. Using a calibrated metal rule (1a) and a feeler gauge (1b), check the flatness of the cylinder head - engine block support surface.2. If the measurement does not correspond to the recommended values, regrind the cylinder head support surface.
Cylinder head support surface flatness (mm)< 0.11.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
- Measure the diameter of the cylinder liners and check that they correspond to the recommended figures.
Cylinder liner diameter - Grade A (mm)72.000 ÷ 72.0101.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Cylinder liner diameter - Grade B (mm)72.010 ÷ 72.0201.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Cylinder liner diameter - Grade B (mm)72.010 ÷ 72.0201.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
- Check that the ovality of the cylinder liners/bores is within the recommended limits.
Cylinder liner ovality (mm)+/- 0.051.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
- Check that the taper of the cylinder liners is within the recommended limits.
Cylinder liner taper (mm)+/- 0.0051.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
- If the cylinder bore, taper or ovality measurements are not within the recommended limits, ream the cylinder bores following the recommended oversizes.
In the case of reaming, all the liners must have the same oversize.
Cylinder liner diameter oversize (mm)0.11.4 8v1.3 Multijet1.4 16v T-JET
- Check that the diameter of the main journals is within the recommended limits.
Main journal diameter - Category A (mm)47.994 ÷ 48.0001.4 16v T-JET
Main journal diameter - Category B (mm)47.988 ÷ 47.9941.4 16v T-JET
Main journal diameter - Category C (mm)47.982 ÷ 479881.4 16v T-JET
- If the diameter of the main journals does not fall within the recommended values, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
Because the crankshaft has undergone nitriding, this treatment should be repeated and the size re-checked if it is ground.
Main journal diameter undersize (mm)0.1271.4 8v1.3 Multijet1.4 16v T-JET
- Check that the diameter of the crankpins is within the recommended limits.
Crankpin diameter (mm)41.990 ÷ 42.0081.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
- If the diameter of the crankpins is not correct, they should be reground to the recommended undersize.
Because the crankshaft has undergone nitriding, this treatment should be repeated and the size re-checked if it is ground.
Crankpin diameter undersize (mm)0.1271.4 8v1.3 Multijet1.4 16v T-JET
- Check the main bearings, noting that the half-bearings should not be adapted. Replace them if scoring or signs of binding are noted.- Fit the main bearing halves in their seats on the upper crankcase, aligning the lubrication ports and ensuring scrupulous cleanliness. The centre main bearing half incorporates the thrust half-washers because it performs a load-bearing function and also acts as a thrust bearing.- If the crankshaft has been ground, fit new oversize half-bearings to restore the initial tolerance conditions.1. Fit the crankshaft in the special housing in the engine block with the upper half-bearings.2. Fit the calibrated wire (plastigage) for measuring the main journal clearance.
1. Fit the main half-bearings in the lower crankcase.2. Fit the lower crankcase on the engine block, checking that the codes stamped on both parts of the crankcase correspond, because the crankcase components are not interchangeable.
- The size of the main half-bearings is given.
Main half-bearings - Category 1 (Red) (mm)1.836 ÷ 1.8401.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Main half-bearings - Category 2 (Blue) (mm)1.843 ÷ 1.8471.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Main half-bearings - Category 3 (Yellow) (mm)1.848 ÷ 1.8521.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Main bearing half undersize (mm)0.1271.4 16v T-JET
- Tighten the bolts securing the lower crankcase to the engine block to the specified torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
CrankcaseCentral boltM101.9 ÷ 2.1 + 87° ÷ 93° 1.4 16v TJET
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
CrankcaseSide boltM82.8 ÷ 3.21.4 16v TJET
1. Remove the lower crankcase and check the main journal clearance. Use an appropriate measuring device to measure the width of the plastigage.
Check one main journal at a time, without rotating the crankshaft.
Clearance between main bearings - crankshaft main journals (mm)0.025 ÷ 0.0401.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
- After checking all the main journals, apply sealant to the contact surfaces between the lower crankcase and upper crankcase. Then fit the lower crankcase permanently by tightening the bolts to torque in the order described previously.
Apply a 2-mm thick continuous sealant strip to the lower crankcase surface.
- Check that the outer diameter of the pistons corresponds to the recommended figures; if not, replace the pistons complete with sealing rings and piston pins.
Piston outer diameter -Grade A (mm)71.960 ÷ 71.9701.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Piston outer diameter - Grade B (mm)71.970 ÷ 71.9801.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Piston outer diameter - Grade C (mm)71.980 ÷ 71.9901.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Measure perpendicular to the gudgeon pin axis, 9 mm from the lower edge of the skirt.
- Position the pistons in the cylinder liners and use a feeler gauge to measure the specified clearance.
Clearance between piston - cylinder liner (mm)0.030 ÷ 0.0501.4 16v T-JET
- Check that the inner bore of the piston pin housings is within the recommended limits; if not, replace the pistons.
Piston pin housing diameter (mm)17.978 ÷ 17.9821.4 16v T-JET
- Check that the outer diameter of the piston pins is within the recommended limits; if not, replace the worn parts.
Piston pin outer diameter (mm)17.970 ÷ 17.9741.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
- Use a micrometer gauge to measure the thickness of the piston sealing rings.
Cylinder compression 1st sealing ring thickness (mm)1.170 ÷ 1.1951.4 16v T-JET
Cylinder compression 2nd sealing ring thickness (mm)1.170 ÷ 1.1901.4 16v T-JET
Cylinder compression 3rd sealing ring thickness (mm)1.970 ÷ 1.9901.4 16v T-JET
Sealing ring oversize (mm)0.11.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
1. Fit the sealing rings (1a) in the cylinder liners/bores and use a feeler gauge (1b) to check the gap between the seal ends is within specified limits. Otherwise replace the sealing rings.
Cylinder compression 1st sealing ring gap (mm)0.20 ÷ 0.351.4 16v T-JET
Cylinder compression 2nd sealing ring gap (mm)0.40 ÷ 0.601.4 16v T-JET
Cylinder compression 3rd sealing ring gap (mm)0.20 ÷ 0.401.4 16v T-JET
- Check that the piston ring seats are within the recommended values.
Sealing ring seat in piston - 1st groove (mm)1.220 ÷ 1.2401.4 16v T-JET
Sealing ring seat in piston - 2nd groove (mm)1.210 ÷ 1.2301.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Sealing ring seat in piston - 3rd groove (mm)2.010 ÷ 2.0301.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
1. Use a feeler gauge (1a) to check mating clearance between retaining rings (1b) and grooves on pistons (1c).
Cylinder compression 1st sealing ring endfloat (mm)0.025 ÷ 0.0701.4 16v T-JET
Cylinder compression 2nd sealing ring endfloat (mm)0.020 ÷ 0.0601.4 16v T-JET
Cylinder compression 3rd sealing ring endfloat (mm)0.020 ÷ 0.0601.4 16v T-JET
- Check that the diameters of the big ends and the small ends are within the recommended values.
Big end diameter (mm)45.138 ÷ 45.148 1.4 16v T-JET
Small end diameter with bush (mm)17.993 ÷ 18.0001.4 16v T-JET
The small end bush cannot be separated from the actual connecting rod.The bush is therefore handled by the Parts Dept. together with the connecting rod.
1860815000FlangeCrankshaft rotation1.3 Multijet1.4 16v TJET
- Fit the connecting rod-piston assemblies and align in accordance with the following references.1. Piston class and arrow indicating timing side.2. Area on the inlet side where the number indicating the cylinder to which the connecting rod belongs is stamped.3. Gudgeon pin offset
The matching of the connecting rod-cap is the "BREAKING" type therefore the position is compulsory and the number corresponding to the position of the cylinder must be present.
Letters identifying the cylinder liner classes are shown on the crankcase.
1. Fit connecting rod/piston assemblies (1a) with half-bearings, using tool (1b) to compress retaining rings and then fit the piston into the liner.
- Rotate the engine on the overhaul stand.1. Apply the calibrated wire (plastigage) for measuring the crankpin clearance.
- The size of the connecting rod half-bearings is given.
Connecting rod half-bearing thickness (mm)1.544 ÷ 1.5481.4 8v1.4 16v T-JET
Connecting rod half-bearing 1 oversize (mm)0.1271.4 16v T-JET
Connecting rod half-bearing 2 oversize (mm)0.2541.4 16v T-JET
Connecting rod half-bearing 3 oversize (mm)0.5081.4 16v T-JET
- Refit the connecting rod caps complete with half-bearings and secure them by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
The connecting rod caps are fracture type. If replaced, they are supplied pre-fractured by the manufacturer. Check that the parts are free of burrs, blisters, scratches or any other surface defect. Before installation, parts must be thoroughly washed, cleaned and dried. Fit the connecting rod caps so that the number stamped on each cap faces towards the same side as the number stamped on the big end.
Each connecting rod must be paired with its cap, respecting the numerical references stamped on the parts. Connecting rods and connecting rod caps are not interchangeable.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Connecting rod capsBoltM81.9 ÷ 2.1 + 40° ± 2°
1. Remove the connecting rod caps and check the crankpin clearance. Use an appropriate gauge to measure the width of the plastigage.
Check one crankpin at a time, without rotating the crankshaft.
Clearance between connecting rod bearings - crankpin bearings (mm)0.024 ÷ 0.0601.4 16v T-JET
- If the value measured is not within the recommended figures, replace the connecting rod bearings.
- Refit the connecting rod caps complete with half-bearings and secure them by tightening the bolts to the torque given previously.- Rotate the engine on the overhaul stand.- Position a new oil pump gasket.- Fit the front crankcase cover with built-in oil pump complete with intake chamber and secure by tightening bolts to the specified torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Engine oil pumpBoltM60.9 ÷ 1.11.4 16v TJET
- Place the minimum engine oil pressure switch in position and tighten it to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Switch for engine oil pressure warning light-M142.9 ÷ 3.5
- Fit the oil seal on the crankshaft front cover using the tool.
1860990000Fitting toolFitting crankshaft front cover oil sealFitting oil seal on exhaust camshaft1.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
- Remove the flange for rotating the crankshaft fitted previously.- Place a new crankcase rear cover with integrated oil seal in position and secure it by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Crankshaft to crankcase rear coverBoltM60.8 ÷ 1.01.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
- Place the crankshaft gear in its housing.1. Because the timing is adjusted with the four pistons in line, i.e. half-way along their effective strokes, it is essential to position the crankshaft in phase with the camshafts. They can be approximately positioned by turning the crankshaft gear (1a) until the locating dowel (1b) is positioned opposite to the rpm sensor seat (1c) with the first cylinder piston in descending phase, i.e. intake.
1. Position the counter-torque tool.
2000004500TemplateCrankshaft timing1.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
2. Secure the crankshaft gear (2a) by tightening the bolt (2b) to the specified torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Crankshaft gearBoltM121.9 ÷ 2.1 + 107° + 113°1.4 16v TJET
3. Position the rpm sensor (3a) in its housing and secure it by tightening the bolt (3b) to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Rpm sensorBoltM60.8 ÷ 1.01.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
- Apply silicon sealant to the splining on the flange securing the water pump to the cylinder block/crankcase.- Position the water pump in its housing and secure it, tightening the bolts and the nut to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Water pumpBoltM60.9 ÷ 1.11.4 16v TJET
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Water pumpNutM60.9 ÷ 1.11.4 16v TJET
- Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhaul stand.- Clean the lower crankcase and oil sump contact surfaces, removing the silicone sealant residues.- Apply the sealant without a break to the entire perimeter of the oil sump.- Position the oil sump in its housing and secure it, tightening the bolts and the nuts to the recommended torque.
When positioning the oil sump, avoid significant sideways movements that could remove the sealant.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Engine oil sumpBoltM60.8 ÷ 1.0 1.4 16v TJET
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Engine oil sumpNutM60.8 ÷ 1.01.4 16v TJET
- Rotate the engine through 180° on the overhaul stand.- Fit the locating bushes for the crankcase.- Fit a new cylinder head gasket on the cylinder block.- Position the cylinder head on the crankcase, aligning the locating dowels.1. Tighten the bolts securing the cylinder head to the recommended torque.
Follow the order shown in the diagram for each tightening sequence.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Cylinder headBoltM93.0 + 90° + 90°1.4 16v TJET
- Fit the locating bushes and position the cylinder head extension seal on the cylinder head support plane.- Position the tappet retaining tools beneath the camshaft housing, then place the camshaft housing on the cylinder head and withdraw the tools.- Use the tool to tighten the camshaft housing bolts to the specified torque.
1860834000SpannerLoosen/tighten the cylinder head extension bolts1.4 16v TJET
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Engine cylinder head extensionBoltM81.3 ÷ 1.61.4 16v TJET
- Refit the plugs complete with new O-rings and tighten them to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Engine cylinder head extension plugs-M161.3 ÷ 1.61.4 16v TJET
- Place the camshaft driven pulley in its housing without tightening the bolt.- Fit the camshaft driven pulley locking tool.
2000015800Counter-torqueCamshaft driven pulley lock1.4 16v TJET
- Tighten the camshaft driven pulley bolt to the specified torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Driven timing pulleyBoltM1210.8 ÷ 13.21.4 16v TJET
- Tighten the retaining bolts for the camshaft idler gears to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Camshaft gearsBoltM1212.01.4 16v TJET
- Loosen the bolt securing the camshaft driven pulley and remove the locking tool.- Remove the tool used previously for counter-torque for tightening the bolt securing the crankshaft gear.1. Position the tools (1a) in the seats for the spark plug for 1st and 2nd cylinder, tightening the pins (1b) to a torque of 0.5 daNm.
1860992000BearingsCrankshaft timing1.4 16v TJET
2. Rotate the crankshaft in its normal direction of rotation until the tool moving pins fitted previously are aligned with one another.
Rotate the crankshaft proceeding gradually to prevent the tool pins being expelled by the compression of the pistons.
3. The camshaft timing was adjusted previously by fitting the tools illustrated.
1860985000Locating pinsCamshaft timing1.4 16v TJET
- Proceed with fitting the timing drive belt, firstly fitting it on the crankshaft gear, the water pump pulley, the camshaft driven pulley and lastly on the mobile tensioner.
Ensure that this operation is performed with the camshaft driven pulley slack.
1. Tension the timing belt by turning it anticlockwise with the tool (1a) and the moving tensioner (1b) and then secure it when the reference fork (1c) is in contact (1d).
1860987000SpannerTensioning toothed timing drive belt1.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
- Fit the camshaft driven pulley locking tool.
2000015800Counter-torqueCamshaft driven pulley lock1.4 16v TJET
- Tighten the camshaft driven pulley bolt to the specified torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Driven timing pulleyBoltM1210.8 ÷ 13.21.4 16v TJET
- Remove the tools positioned previously for the timing and locking of the camshafts and rotate the crankshaft through two revolutions.1. Loosen the moving tensioner nut and adjust the front fork using the tool (1a) until it is aligned with the rear fork (1b).2. Tighten the nut securing the moving tensioner to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Timing system moving tensioner NutM82.2 ÷ 2.71.4 16v TJET
- Turn the crankshaft through two revolutions in its normal rotation direction, then reposition the tools used to adjust engine timing and check the engine is in phase.- Remove the tools used for timing the engine.- Place the side plugs in their seats in the cylinder head extension and tighten them to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Engine cylinder head extension plugs-M161.3 ÷ 1.61.4 16v TJET
- Place the flywheel side camshaft seal rear cover in its housing and secure it using the nuts.- Place the coolant pump rigid inlet pipe, complete with a new gasket, in position and secure it by tightening the bolts to the crankcase and to the cylinder head to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Water pump rigid inlet pipeBoltM60.9 ÷ 1.1 1.4 16v TJET
- Fit the ignition coils and tighten them to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Ignition coilsBoltM60.8 ÷ 1.01.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
- Position the timing sensor in its housing and secure it using the bolt.- Place the timing side rigid engine support in position and secure it by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Timing side power unit rigid supportBoltM105.4 ÷ 6.61.4 8v1.4 16v TJET
- Fit the upper and lower timing belt covers and secure them using the bolts.- Position the crankshaft pulley in its housing and secure it by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Services pulley on crankshaftBoltM82.3 ÷ 2.8
- Place the oil filter mounting and engine oil heat exchanger in position and tighten the connector, crankshaft oil seal front cover side, to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Heat exchanger and oil filter mounting - crankshaft front oil seal cover sideConnectorM204.1 ÷ 4.91.4 16v TJET
- Tighten the bolt securing the engine oil heat exchanger and oil filter mounting assembly, crankcase side, to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Heat exchanger and oil filter mounting - engine block sideBoltM104.5 ÷ 5.51.4 16v TJET
- Place the exhaust manifold-turbocharger assembly, complete with new gasket, back in its housing and secure it by tightening the new nuts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Exhaust manifoldNut (to replace)M81.4 ÷ 1.6 + 30° ± 3°1.4 16v TJET
- Place the exhaust manifold heat shield in its housing and tighten the nuts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Exhaust manifold heat shieldNutM60.8 ÷ 1.01.4 16v TJET
- Place the turbocharger coolant return pipe, complete with new gasket, in position and tighten the connectors.
The connectors should be tightened keeping the pipe still. Any movement of the pipe of more than 3° will adversely affect the seal of the connectors.
- Place the turbocharger lubrication oil supply pipe, complete with new gasket, back in its housing and tighten the connectors to the recommended torque.
The connectors should be tightened keeping the pipe still. Any movement of the pipe of more than 3° will adversely affect the seal of the connectors.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Turbocharger lubrication oil supply pipe - heat exchanger sideConnectorM60.8 ÷ 1.01.4 16v TJET
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Turbocharger lubrication oil supply pipe - turbocharger sideConnectorM121.8 ÷ 2.2 1.4 16v TJET
- Tighten the bolt securing the turbocharger lubrication oil supply pipe intermediate mounting bracket.- Place the engine oil heat exchanger coolant return pipe, complete with new gaskets, in position and tighten the connectors.
The connectors should be tightened keeping the pipe still. Any movement of the pipe of more than 3° will adversely affect the seal of the connectors.
- Place the engine oil heat exchanger coolant delivery pipe, complete with new gaskets, in position and tighten the connectors to the recommended torque.
The connectors should be tightened keeping the pipe still. Any movement of the pipe of more than 3° will adversely affect the seal of the connectors.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Water supply pipe to engine oil heat exchangerConnectorM163.0 ÷ 3.61.4 16v TJET
- Tighten the bolts securing the coolant delivery pipe to the engine oil heat exchanger, crankcase side and heat exchanger side.- Place the turbocharger lubrication oil return pipe, complete with new gasket, back in its housing and tighten the bolts to the recommended torque.
Tighten the "slotted bolt" first when connecting the pipe to the turbocharger.
The connectors should be tightened keeping the pipe still. Any movement of the pipe of more than 3° will adversely affect the seal of the connectors.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Lubrication oil return pipe from turbochargerBoltM60.8 ÷ 1.01.4 16v TJET
- Tighten the intermediate connector securing the turbocharger lubrication oil return pipe to the engine block, engine oil heat exchanger side, to the recommended torque.
The connector should be tightened keeping the pipe still. Any movement of the pipe of more than 3° will adversely affect the seal of the connector.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Turbocharger lubrication oil return pipe in sump - engine oil heat exchanger sideConnectorM163.0 ÷ 3.61.4 16v TJET
- Fit the support for the power steering pump complete with heat exchanger upper mounting bracket and tighten the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Power steering support to engineBoltM10 x 16v TJET
- Tighten the bolts fixing the heat exchanger to the upper bracket on the power steering pump support.- Fit the power steering pump and tighten the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Power steering pump to engine mountingBoltM82.25 ÷ 2.75
- Fit the power steering pump mounting bracket and tighten the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Reinforcement strut to alternator mountingBoltM82.25 ÷ 2.75
- Fit the power steering pump pulley and tighten the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Power steering pump pulleyBoltM82.25 ÷ 2.75
- Place the water-engine oil heat exchanger heat shield in its housing and tighten the bolts to the recommended torque.- Place the engine oil filter heat shield in its housing and tighten the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Engine oil filter heat shieldBoltM60.8 ÷ 1.01.4 16v TJET
- Refit the bracket complete with pressurized air by-pass solenoid and tighten the fastenings.- Refit the oil vapour separator and tighten the bolts.- Refit the air chamber in its seat and tighten the new bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Air chamberBolt (to be replaced)M71.3 ÷ 1.71.4 16v TJET
- Connect the oil vapour supply pipe to the air chamber and tighten the band.- Place the air chamber mounting bracket in position and tighten the bolts.- Place the engine oil dipstick pipe back in its housing and secure it with the bolt.- Place the intermediate shaft bearing support in position and secure it by tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Intermediate driveshaft bearing supportBoltM82.3 ÷ 2.81.4 16v TJET
- Fit the alternator and air conditioning compressor mounting in position and tighten the fastenings to the recommended torque.
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