79372 - 5505C31 Under-FACIA WIRING - R.R.

The following preliminary operations must be carried out before carrying out the operations described below: (1) turn the ignition key to the OFF position; (2) disconnect the battery leads and insulate them; (3) wait for 10 minutes before continuing
Follow the recommended safety instructions (see subassembly 5040 Air conditioning casing and components).
Removing ( Refitting )     See in Op. 7040D50 ENGINE COMPARTMENT UPPER SOUND INSULATION SHIELD - R.R.     See in Op. 1016A40 Ignition COIL COVER on cylinder head - R.R.     See in Op. 5040A10 Air conditioning coolant circuit - Drying and Repressurizing- Position the vehicle on a lift.- Disconnect the negative battery terminal.    See in Op. 5040D19 CONTROL UNIT with CONTROL PANEL for rear air conditioning - R.R.-    See in Op. 7040L70 Tunnel cover REAR COVER - R.R.    See in Op. 5010C32 Air VENT in tunnel cover for rear seats    See in Op. 7040A65 passenger compartment box lock , one , r r    See in Op. 7045A10 FRONT SEAT (one) left or right - R.R.    See in Op. 7040L37 GEAR LEVER SURROUNDING TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 7040L72 GLASS HOLDER on tunnel cover - R.R.    See in Op. 7040L28 TRIM for switch holder on tunnel cover - R.R.    See in Op. 7040L20 TUNNEL COVER - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A60 UNDER FACIA TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A58 TRIM on dashboard - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A44 INSTRUMENT PANEL LEFT SIDE TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A45 INSTRUMENT PANEL RIGHT SIDE TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 5010C56 LEFT air OUTLET in dashboard - R.R.-    See in Op. 5010C62 Air VENT UNIT and SIDE air DIFFUSER in dashboard - R.R.:-    See in Op. 5010C02 RIGHT SIDE air VENT in dashboard (passenger side) - R.R.-    See in Op. 5010C58 Right air OUTLET in dashboard - R.R.-    See in Op. 7040G20 GLOVE COMPARTMENT BULB HOLDER IN DASHBOARD-    See in Op. 7040A31 Compartment in dashboard - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A14 Glove compartment FLAP in dashboard - R.R.    See in Op. 7040G24 Glove compartment light SWITCH - R.R.    See in Op. 5580C26 passenger air bag deactivating switch - r r    See in Op. 5580C22 AIR BAG MODULE (passenger side) - R.R.    See in Op. 4110A10 STEERING WHEEL - R.R. for replacement or checks-    See in Op. 5580C12 CLOCK SPRING for AIR BAG system - R.R.    See in Op. 5550A10 stalk unit assembly - r+r-    See in Op. 7040A23 Instrument panel SURROUND in dashboard    See in Op. 5560B11 ANALOGUE CONTROL PANEL - R.R. or Replace    See in Op. 5540A20 Exterior lights SWITCH PANEL and instrument panel light dimmer - R.R.-    See in Op. 5580P24 CONNECT CONTROL UNIT SUPPORT - R.R.-    See in Op. 5580P20 CONNECT CONTROL UNIT - R.R.-    See in Op. 7040A20 LEFT dashboard LOWER TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 5040D60 ACTUATOR for one diffused air vent flap, left or right - R.R.-    See in Op. 5010C30 central air outlet on fascia - r+r    See in Op. 5040D18 Air conditioning CONTROL UNIT - R.R.-    See in Op. 5010D56 SOLAR SENSOR - R.R. after checking electrical system    See in Op. 7040A68 GRILLE for centre dashboard speaker - R.R.    See in Op. 5570T52 Centre SPEAKER in dashboard - R.R.-    See in Op. 7040A10 Instrument facia TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A95 Left or right reinforcement crossmember (one), dashboard and bodyshell supporting crossmember - R.R.    See in Op. 5040C12 Air conditioning CASING - R.R. with dashboard removed-    See in Op. 5505C30 Under-FACIA WIRING - R.R. with instrument panel trim removed Refitting ( Removing )     See in Op. 5505C30 Under-FACIA WIRING - R.R. with instrument panel trim removed    See in Op. 5040C12 Air conditioning CASING - R.R. with dashboard removed-    See in Op. 7040A95 Left or right reinforcement crossmember (one), dashboard and bodyshell supporting crossmember - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A10 Instrument facia TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 5570T52 Centre SPEAKER in dashboard - R.R.-    See in Op. 7040A68 GRILLE for centre dashboard speaker - R.R.    See in Op. 5010D56 SOLAR SENSOR - R.R. after checking electrical system    See in Op. 5040D18 Air conditioning CONTROL UNIT - R.R.-    See in Op. 5010C30 central air outlet on fascia - r+r    See in Op. 5040D60 ACTUATOR for one diffused air vent flap, left or right - R.R.-    See in Op. 7040A20 LEFT dashboard LOWER TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 5580P20 CONNECT CONTROL UNIT - R.R.-    See in Op. 5580P24 CONNECT CONTROL UNIT SUPPORT - R.R.-    See in Op. 5540A20 Exterior lights SWITCH PANEL and instrument panel light dimmer - R.R.-    See in Op. 5560B11 ANALOGUE CONTROL PANEL - R.R. or Replace    See in Op. 7040A23 Instrument panel SURROUND in dashboard    See in Op. 5550A10 stalk unit assembly - r+r-    See in Op. 5580C12 CLOCK SPRING for AIR BAG system - R.R.    See in Op. 4110A10 STEERING WHEEL - R.R. for replacement or checks-    See in Op. 5580C22 AIR BAG MODULE (passenger side) - R.R.    See in Op. 5580C26 passenger air bag deactivating switch - r r    See in Op. 7040G24 Glove compartment light SWITCH - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A14 Glove compartment FLAP in dashboard - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A31 Compartment in dashboard - R.R.    See in Op. 7040G20 GLOVE COMPARTMENT BULB HOLDER IN DASHBOARD-    See in Op. 5010C58 Right air OUTLET in dashboard - R.R.-    See in Op. 5010C02 RIGHT SIDE air VENT in dashboard (passenger side) - R.R.-    See in Op. 5010C62 Air VENT UNIT and SIDE air DIFFUSER in dashboard - R.R.:-    See in Op. 5010C56 LEFT air OUTLET in dashboard - R.R.-    See in Op. 7040A45 INSTRUMENT PANEL RIGHT SIDE TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A44 INSTRUMENT PANEL LEFT SIDE TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A58 TRIM on dashboard - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A60 UNDER FACIA TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 7040L20 TUNNEL COVER - R.R.    See in Op. 7040L28 TRIM for switch holder on tunnel cover - R.R.    See in Op. 7040L72 GLASS HOLDER on tunnel cover - R.R.    See in Op. 7040L37 GEAR LEVER SURROUNDING TRIM - R.R.    See in Op. 7045A10 FRONT SEAT (one) left or right - R.R.    See in Op. 7040A65 passenger compartment box lock , one , r r    See in Op. 5010C32 Air VENT in tunnel cover for rear seats    See in Op. 7040L70 Tunnel cover REAR COVER - R.R.    See in Op. 5040D19 CONTROL UNIT with CONTROL PANEL for rear air conditioning - R.R.-- Connect the negative battery terminal.- Remove the vehicle from the lift.    See in Op. 5040A10 Air conditioning coolant circuit - Drying and Repressurizing- Top up the engine coolant level.- If the climate control system control unit is being replaced, carry out the control unit coding procedure using the diagnostic equipment.- If the actuators are being replaced, carry out the flap actuators self-learning procedure.- Check that air conditioning unit is working properly.     See in Op. 1016A40 Ignition COIL COVER on cylinder head - R.R.     See in Op. 7040D50 ENGINE COMPARTMENT UPPER SOUND INSULATION SHIELD - R.R.