100244 - 1048B44 RIGID air supply PIPE from heat exchanger to intake manifold - R.R.

Removing ( Refitting )     See in Op. 7040D50 ENGINE COMPARTMENT UPPER SOUND INSULATION SHIELD - R.R.    See in Op. 1016A10 SOUND-PROOFING COVER - R.R.1. Disconnect the heat exchanger air supply pipe from the rigid pipe.2. Undo the bolts fixing the rigid pipe to the throttle casing.3. Remove the rigid air supply pipe between the heat exchanger and the intake manifold.
Refitting ( Removing ) - Fit the rigid air supply pipe and tighten the fixing bolts on the throttle casing.- Connect the heat exchanger flexible air supply pipe to the rigid section.    See in Op. 1016A10 SOUND-PROOFING COVER - R.R.    See in Op. 7040D50 ENGINE COMPARTMENT UPPER SOUND INSULATION SHIELD - R.R.