78206 - 2110D52 LEFT FLANGE on differential - R.R. with driveshaft removed

Removing ( Refitting ) - Place a suitable container in position and drain the gearbox oil by undoing the plug.1. Using a special lever, release the driveshaft internal attachment shaft from the differential.2. Undo the fixing bolts (2a) and remove the flange (2b) complete with oil seal.- Remove the scraper ring.
Refitting ( Removing ) - Check that the left flange oil seal is intact.1. If it needs replacing, remove the oil seal from the flange and fit the new oil sael using the tools (1a) and (1b).
1a Drift1.870.007.000Fitting oil seal
1b Fitting tool1.870.629.000Fitting oil seal flange
- Fit the scraper ring.- Fit the flange tightening the fixing bolts to torque.- Fit the driveshaft internal attachment shaft in the special housing on the differential.    See in Op. 0010T40 MANUAL GEARBOX OIL - Change