Fitting tool1.860.816.000Fitting crankshaft front oil seal2.4 JTD 10V
Lock1.870.645.000Automatic belt tensioner retainer for single components belt2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.966.000Automatic belt tensioner rotation for single components belt2.4 JTD 10V
Lock1.870.645.000Automatic belt tensioner retainer for single components belt2.4 JTD 10V
Lock1.870.645.000Automatic belt tensioner retainer for single components belt2.4 JTD 10V
Counter-torque1.860.846.000Flywheel lock2.4 JTD 10V
Counter-torque1.860.846.000Flywheel lock2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.833.000-2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.834.000Loosen/tighten front and rear crankcase sump bolts2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.833.000-2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.833.000Loosen/tighten crankcase sump side bolts2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.833.000-2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.833.000Loosen/Tighten engine oil sump side bolts2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.834.000-2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.834.000Loosen/Tighten front and rear engine oil sump bolts2.4 JTD 10V
Counter-torque1.860.846.000Flywheel lock2.4 JTD 10V
Counter-torque1.860.846.000Flywheel lock2.4 JTD 10V
Template1.860.905.000-2.4 JTD 10V
Template1.860.905.000Engine tuning2.4 JTD 10V
Template1.860.905.000-2.4 JTD 10V
Template1.860.905.000Engine tuning2.4 JTD 10V
Lock1.870.645.000Retaining belt tensioner for various components drive belt2.4 JTD 10V
Lock1.870.645.000Retaining tensioner for various components drive belt2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.968.000-2.4 JTD 10V
Spanner1.860.968.000Tensioning engine components drive belt2.4 JTD 10V
Lock1.870.645.000Engine components drive belt tensioner retainer2.4 JTD 10V
Lock1.870.645.000Retaining tensioner for various components drive belt2.4 JTD 10V
Lock1.870.645.000Engine components drive belt tensioner retainer2.4 JTD 10V
Lock1.870.645.000Retaining tensioner for various components drive belt2.4 JTD 10V