Removing ( Refitting )     See in Op. 2110B26 MANUAL GEARBOX (6 speed) and differential - Dismantling and reassembly - Washing components - Replacing synchronizers and internal controls, if necessary1. Remove the layshaft front bearing outer race (1a) using tools (1b) and (1c).
1b Extractor/Fitting tool1.870.655.000Removing layshaft front bearing outer race
1c Mallet1.840.206.001Removing layshaft front bearing outer race
1. Remove the main shaft front bearing outer race (1a) using the tool (1b).
1b Extractor/Fitting tool1.870.658.000Removing main shaft front bearing outer race
1. Remove the gear control rod bushes (1a) from the bellhousing using the tool (1b).
1b Extractor/Fitting tool1.870.657.000Removing bushes in gear control rod housing for support joining gearbox to engine
1. Remove the gear control rod bushes (1a) and plugs (1b) from the gearbox casing using the tool (1c).
1b Extractor/Fitting tool1.870.657.000Removing bushes in gear control rod housing and gearbox casing plugs.
1. Remove the gear engagement safety casing (1a) using a special extractor (1b).
1. Remove the gear selector shaft guide bush (1a) using a suitable tool (1b).
Refitting ( Removing ) - Apply the recommended sealant to a new guide bush for the gear shaft.
1. Fit the new control rod bushes (1a) on the gearbox casing using the tool (1b).
- Apply the recommended sealant to the new gear control rod bushes.
1. Fit the new gear engagement safety casing (1a) using a suitable tool (1b).
- Apply the recommended sealant to the new gear control rod bushes.
1. Fit the new control rod bushes (1a) on the gearbox casing using the tool (1b).
1b Extractor/Fitting tool1.870.657.000Fitting gear control rod housing bushes on gearbox casing.
- Apply the recommended sealant to a new gear engagement safety casing.
.Loctite 270-GEAR CONTROL ROD PLUGSSealant-
1. Fit the new gear control rod plugs (1a) using a suitable fitting tool (1b).
- Apply the recommended sealant to the new gear control rod plugs.
1. Fit the new gear control rod plugs (1a) using a suitable fitting tool (1b).
1b Extractor/Fitting tool1.870.657.000Fitting gear control rod bushes on gearbox casing.
1. Fit the main shaft front bearing outer race (1a) using a hydraulic press and tools (1b) and (1c).
1a Fitting tool1.870.656.000Fitting main shaft front bearing outer race
1b Grip1.874.365.000Fitting main shaft front bearing outer race
1. Fit the layshaft front bearing outer race (1a) using a hydraulic press and tools (1b) and (1c).
1b Fitting tool1.870.656.000Fitting main shaft front bearing outer race
1c Grip1.874.365.000Fitting main shaft front bearing outer race
    See in Op. 2110B26 MANUAL GEARBOX (6 speed) and differential - Dismantling and reassembly - Washing components - Replacing synchronizers and internal controls, if necessary Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Fit the gearbox and differential (1a) on the overhaul stand using the tool (1b).
Two mechanics are needed for this operation.
1b Support1.871.001.014Supporting gearbox on overhaul stand
1. Undo the bolts (1a), extract the retaining clip (1b) and remove the coaxial clutch cylinder (1c) complete with oil pipe.2. Extract the hydraulic clutch fluid duct from the lower part of the gearbox.3. Undo the inner bolt (3a) fixing the clutch casing (3b) to the gearbox casing.
- Rotate the gearbox casing through 180° on the overhaul stand.1. Undo the outer bolts fixing the clutch casing to the gearbox casing.2. Separate the gearbox casing from the clutch casing cutting the sealant using the special tool.
2 Blade1.870.718.000Removing gearbox casing-clutch casing sealant
3. Remove the gearbox casing (3a) from the clutch casing (3b).
1. Simultaneously extract the main shaft (A) (1a) and first layshaft (B) (1b) assemblies complete with 1st - 2nd aand 5th - 6th speed selector forks.
Keep the assemblies joined until they are placed on the workbench.
To allow quick identification, each shaft is given a corresponding letter: main shaft (A), first layshaft (B) and second layshaft (C), as shown in the diagram.
1. Extract the second layshaft (C) upwards together with 3rd - 4th speed and Reverse selector forks.2. Remove the differential assembly.
1. Take the gearbox casing support tool (1a) and take pins (1b) marked with the letter (A) corresponding to the letters (A) on the plate (1c).
The identification letters for the position of the pins are on the plate for the support tool; position (A) should be used for the gearbox casing support, positions (B) and (C) should be used for the clutch casing support.
1a Gearbox casing/clutch casing support1.870.897.700Gearbox casing support for determining bearing pre-loading
2. Place the gearbox casing (2a) on the support tool positioning as illustrated in the diagram, then secure it using the nuts (2b).
1. Remove the oil duct from the gearbox casing.2. Using pliers, remove the lubrication ducts by the main shaft and the layshafts.
The operation of removing the lubrication ducts destroys them, therefore new parts must be used when refitting.
3. Remove the main shaft and layshaft rear bearing outer race using a USAG 468/2 tool and USAG 468/7 extractor or equivalent tools.
To facilitate recognizing the seats for each of the shafts, the main shaft seat is identified in the diagram by the letter (A), the first layshaft seat by the letter (B) and the second layshaft seat by the letter (C). The extraction operation is the same for all three rear bearing outer races.
4. Remove the main shaft scraper ring (A), the first layshaft scraper ring (B) and the second layshaft scraper ring (C).
1. Remove the magnet collecting any impurities in the transmission fluid from the gearbox casing.2. Remove the main shaft and layshaft front bearing outer race using a USAG 468/2 tool and USAG 468/7 extractor or equivalent tools.
To facilitate recognizing the seats for each of the shafts, the main shaft seat is identified in the diagram by the letter (A), the first layshaft seat by the letter (B) and the second layshaft seat by the letter (C). The extraction operation is the same for all three front bearing outer races.
- Proceed with dismantling the main shaft (A) following the instructions given below.1. Position the main shaft (A) in a vice with protective jaws, then undo the bolt (1b) retaining the 4th speed drive gear (1c) and the 6th speed drive gear (1d).
1. Position the reaction plates on the press support surface and fit the main shaft (A) by the 4 th speed drive gear.
1 Half plate1.860.837.000Dismantling main shaft
2. Using a press fitted with a reaction pin (2a, remove the rear bearing (2b), the 6th speed drive gear (2c), the 4th spedd drive gear (2d) and the spacer (2e).
The main shaft (A) should be supported at the bottom during this operation.
2a Reaction pin1.870.899.100Dismantling main shaft
1. Remove the 3rd and 5th speed drive gear (1a) using a hydraulic press, the plates (1b) and the reaction pin (1c).
The main shaft (A) should be supported at the bottom during this operation.
1b Half plate1.860.837.000Dismantling main shaft
1c Reaction pin1.870.899.100Dismantling main shaft
1. Fit the extraction half-rings (1a) in the housing in the extractor (1b); place the tools assembled in this way on the main shaft (A) front bearing and secure them using the nuts (1c).
1a Extraction half-rings1.870.899.200Extracting main shaft front bearing
1b Extractor1.870.845.100Extracting main shaft front bearing
2. Position the main shaft (A) complete with extraction tools, on the press support surface then extract the front bearing.
The main shaft (A) should be supported at the bottom during this operation.
- Proceed with dismantling the layshaft (B) following the instructions given below.1. Remove the 1st and 2nd speed selector fork (1a) and the 5th and 6th speed selector fork (1b) from the layshaft (B).
1. Position the reaction plates on the press support surface and fit the layshaft (B) by the 6 th speed driven gear.
1 Half plate1.860.837.000Dismantling layshaft (B)
2. Using a press fitted with a reaction pin (2a), remove the rear bearing (2b), the 6th speed driven gear (2c) and the needle bearing (2d).
The layshaft (B) should be supported at the bottom during this operation.
2a Reaction pin1.870.899.100Dismantling main shaft
1. Remove the 6th speed synchronizer assembly.2. Remove the 5th - 6th speed engagement sliding sleeve.3. Remove the pre-synchronizer mountings.
1. Remove the 5th - 6th speed sliding sleeve hub circlip using suitable pliers.
When refitting, replace the circlip.
1. Remove the 5th - 6th speed sliding sleeve hub (1a), the 5th speed synchronizer rings (1b), the 5th speed driven gear (1c) using a hydraulic press and the plates (1e) and the reaction pin (1f).
1e Half plates1.870.899.400Extracting hub for 5th-6th speed sliding sleeve
1f Reaction pin1.870.899.100Dismantling layshaft (B)
2. Remove the needle bearing.
The layshaft (B) should be supported at the bottom during this operation.
1. Lift up the retaining ring (1a), then remove the thrust washers (1b) retaining the 2nd speed driven gear, releasing them from the housings (1c) in the layshaft (B).2. Remove the 2nd speed driven gear (2a), the needle bearings (2b), and the 2nd speed synchronizer rings (2c).3. Remove the 1th -2th speed engagement sliding sleeve.4. Remove the pre-synchronizer mountings.
1. Remove the 1th -2th speed sliding sleeve hub circlip using suitable pliers.
When refitting, replace the circlip.
1. Remove the 1st - 2nd speed sliding sleeve hub (1a), the 1st speed synchronizer rings (1b), the upper roller bearing (1c) for the 1st speed driven gear, the 1st speed driven gear (1d) using a hydraulic press and the plates (1e) and the reaction pin (1f).
1e Half plates1.860.837.000Extracting hub for 1st-2nd speed sliding sleeve
1f Reaction pin1.870.899.100Dismantling layshaft (B)
2. Remove the lower roller bearing for the 1st speed driven gear.
The layshaft (B) should be supported at the bottom during this operation.
1. Fit the extraction half-rings (1a) in the housing in the extractor (1b); place the tools assembled in this way on the layshaft (B) front bearing and secure them using the nuts (1c).
1a Extraction half-rings1.870.899.600Extracting layshaft front bearing (B)
1b Extractor1.870.845.100Extracting layshaft front bearing (B)
2. Position the layshaft (B) complete with extraction tools, on the press support surface then extract the front bearing.
The layshaft (B) should be supported at the bottom during this operation.
- Proceed with dismantling the layshaft (C) following the instructions given below.1. Remove the 3rd and 4th speed selector fork (1a) and the Reverse selector fork (1b) from the layshaft (C).
1. Position the reaction plates on the press support surface and fit the layshaft (C) by the 4 th speed driven gear.
1 Half plates1.870.899.400Dismantling layshaft (C)
2. Using a press fitted with a reaction pin (2a), remove the rear bearing (2b), the 4th speed driven gear (2c) and the needle bearing (2d).
The main shaft (A) should be supported at the bottom during this operation.
2a Reaction pin1.870.899.100Dismantling layshaft (C)
1. Remove the 4th speed synchronizer assembly.2. Remove the 3th -4th speed engagement sliding sleeve.3. Remove the pre-synchronizer mountings.
1. Remove the 3th -4th speed sliding sleeve hub circlip using suitable pliers.
When refitting, replace the circlip.
1. Remove the 3th -4th speed sliding sleeve hub (1a), the 3th speed synchronizer rings (1b), the 3th speed driven gear (1c) using a hydraulic press and the plates (1d) and the reaction pin (1e).
1d Half plates1.860.837.000Extracting hub for 3rd-4th speed sliding sleeve
1e Reaction pin1.870.899.100Dismantling layshaft (C)
2. Remove the needle bearing.