850278 - 1036L14 CAMSHAFTS in camshaft housing R&R with camshaft housing removed includes camshaft housing replacement.

Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Undo the fixing bolt (1a) and renive the engine oil filler fitting (1b).2. Undo the retaining bolts (2a) and remove the brake servo vacuum unit (2b).- Keep the gaskets underneath.
1. Position the camshaft housing (1a) in a vice using the tool (1b).
1b Support1.860.470.001Securing camshaft housing in vice
- Check that the camshaft endfloat is within the recommended values using a dial gauge.- If the camshaft endfloat is not within the recommended values, replace the worn components when reassembling the cylinder head.1. Remove the plugs (1a) and fit the camshaft timing tools (1b) on the camshaft housing.
Check that the tools are correctly fitted with the letter "A" in the housings in the camshafts.
1b Templates1.870.896.900Camshaft timing adjustment
1. Tighten the camshaft gear fixing bolts.
- Remove the camshaft timing tools from the camshaft housing.
.Templates1.870.896.900Camshaft timing adjustment
1. Release the camshafts (1a), as necessary and remove the camshaft gears (1b).
1. Extract the inlet side camshaft (1a) and plug (1b) using a suitable drift.2. Extract the exhaust side camshaft (2a) and oil seal (2b) using a suitable drift.- Remove the exhaust side camshaft oil seal.
In order to check and measure the camshafts and housings, refer to the instructions in operation 1016E10 in the overhaul manual for this version.
Refitting ( Removing ) - Place the camshafts in their housings.- Place the camshaft gears in their housings and secure them without tightening the bolts.1. Fit the camshaft timing tools.
1 Templates1.870.896.900Camshaft timing adjustment
1. Tighten the bolts fixing the camshaft gears to the recommended torque.
1. Fit the exhaust side camshaft front oil seal (1a) using the tool (1b).
1b Fitting tool1.870.896.800Fitting camshaft oil seal
- Fit the inlet side camshaft plug.- Place the exhaust side camshaft toothed drive pulley in its housing and secure it without tightening the bolt.- Remove the camshaft housing support tool from the vice and separate them.- Fit the vacuum unit complete with gasket and fasten it tightening the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.- Fit the engine oil filler complete with gasket and fasten it tightening the fixing bolts to the recommended torque.