850555 - 1060G10 AIR FLOW METER - R.R.

Removing ( Refitting )     See in Op. 7040D50 ENGINE COMPARTMENT UPPER SOUND INSULATION SHIELD - R.R.    See in Op. 1016A10 SOUND-PROOFING COVER - R.R.    See in Op. 1048B44 RIGID air supply PIPE from heat exchanger to intake manifold - R.R.    See in Op. 1048A56 UPPER RESONATOR - R.R.1. Unscrew bolt (1a), open band (1b) and disconnect the air flow meter pipe (1c).2. Undo nuts (2a) securing the air flow meter mounting brackets (2b).3. Disconnect the electrical connection for the air flow meter.
3 Air flow meterK041
4. Remove the air flow meter.
Refitting ( Removing ) - Fit the air flow meter and connect the electrical connection.
.Air flow meterK041
Clean the air flow meter thoroughly to avoid damaging the sensitive element of the air flow meter.
- Position the brackets and secure them using the nuts.- Connect the air delivery sleeve to the turbocharger to the air flow meter and tighten the bolt.    See in Op. 1048A56 UPPER RESONATOR - R.R.    See in Op. 1048B44 RIGID air supply PIPE from heat exchanger to intake manifold - R.R.    See in Op. 1016A10 SOUND-PROOFING COVER - R.R.    See in Op. 7040D50 ENGINE COMPARTMENT UPPER SOUND INSULATION SHIELD - R.R.