183466 - 1004D13 POWER UNIT (automatic transmission) with support frame assembly, front suspension removed - Separation and reassembly

Removing ( Refitting ) 1. Disconnect the pipes from the power assisted steering system cooling coil.2. Undo the bolt (2a) and disconnect the connector (2b) for the air conditioning system pipe.3. Remove the engine cooling radiator complete with fan, condenser and power assisted steering system cooling coil.
1. Disconnect the band fastening the right driveshaft to the intermediate driveshaft and release the driveshaft.2. Disconnect the power assisted steering system pressurized oil supply pipe from the pump.
1. Disconnect the band fastening the left driveshaft to the differential and release the driveshaft.
- Remove the engine support connecting rod.1. Fit a suitable size bracket by the reaction rod support.
Position the washer to prevent damage to the flexible mounting.
2. Secure the chain and hook assembly to the bracket fitted previously and to the bracket (2a) on the bellhousing; secure the entire assembly to the hydraulic lifting device (2b).
1. Undo the nut (1a) fixing the timing side engine support (1b) to the supporting crossmember.
- Undo the nut (1a) fixing the rear engine support (1b) to the supporting crossmember.
- Raise the power unit.- Position the power unit on a special support and remove the hoist, making sure that the unit is properly balanced. Refitting ( Removing ) - Secure the power unit with chains for hoisting to the hydraulic lifting device.- Position the power unit on the chassis, fitting the timing side engine support and the rear support on the flexible mounting bearings.- Tighten the nut fixing the rear engine support to the supporting crossmember.
Value - daNmFasteningComponentØ  
.(to crossmember) 4.5NutPOWER UNIT REAR RIGID MOUNTM10 X 1.25
- Tighten the nut fixing the timing side engine support to the supporting crossmember.
Value - daNmFasteningComponentØ  
.(to crossmember) 4.5NutRIGID ENGINE MOUNT, TIMING SIDEM10 X 1.25
- Release the engine from the supporting chains.- Remove the bracket positioned for attaching the power unit supporting hooks.- Position the connecting rod for the reaction rod and tighten the fixing bolt.
Value - daNmFasteningComponentØ  
.(to engine support) 5BoltPOWER UNIT REACTION RODM10 X 1.25
- Fit the three-lobe joints for the driveshafts in their housings in the differential and the intermediate shaft.- Fit the boots on both sides and secure the retaining bands.- Connect the power assisted steering system pressurized oil supply pipe to the pump.
Value - daNmFasteningComponentØ  
.(on pump) 5ConnectorPIPE BTWN PUMP + POWER STEERING BOXM16 X 1.5
- Fit the engine cooling radiator complete with fan, condenser and power assisted steering system cooling coil.- Connect the air conditioning system pipe connector to the compressor.- Connect the pipes to the power assisted steering system cooling coil.