The reversing lights signal arrives from the automatic transmission solenoid valve uni L050 whose supply is controlled by the ignition (INT) from the fuse line F31 of the junction unit under the dashboard B002.When reverse gear is engaged, the supply is sent to the reversing lights in the rear light clusters F035 (left) and F036 (right) directly via the junction unit under the dashboard B002 from pins 7 and 8, respectively of connector D.The reverse gear activation signal is sent to the Body Computer B001, pin 3 of connector H, which sends it via the CAN to the roof control unit M062. The latter manages the operating logic for obscuring the interior electro-chromic mirror at pin 9 negative signal, pin 13 positive signal and pin 16 of the reverse gear engagment signal connector. Pins 12, 8 and 2 of connector A are dedicated to the positive signal, negative signal and serial line A-BUS to the rain/dusk sensor K125, respectively.