Two signals (earth) are sent from the steering wheel stalk unit H5 to the Body Computer M1 that manages both side lights and low beams in manual or AUTO mode (automatic dusk sensor activation).The "Light 1" signal is sent from pin 28 of connector G of Body Computer M1 from stalk unit H5, pin 7 of connector C.The "Light 2" signal is sent to pin 2 of connector I of the Body Computer M1 from the steering column switch unit H5, pin 8 of connector C. The dipped headlamps are switched on manually when the "Light 1" is absent and when the "Light 2" signal is also missing.The dipped headlamps are activated in AUTO mode when the Light 1 signal is present and the Light 2 signal is not present. If both signals are present, the lights are constantly off.The dipped headlamps are automatically activated by the dusk sensor housed in the mirror P65 (signal via the A-BUS line at pin 7 of connector D of M1); the dusk sensor in P65 receives a supply from the INT line protected by fuse F49 of junction unit B2.The Body Computer M1 controls the supply for the dipped headlamps sending an earth signal to relay T1 in the junction unit under the dashboard B2 from pin 8 of connector F of M1 which energizes relay T1: this supplies the dipped headlamps F10 (left) and F11 (right). Each circuit is protected by a fuse in the junction unit B2 : F13 for the left headlamp and F12 for the right.The Body Computer M1 is connected via the CAN line to the instrument panel E50 to manage the "dipped headlamps on" warning light and, if there are problems detected in the circuit, the specific warning light.