3025356 - 4450A10 front wheel geometry - check using optical equipment - includes front wheel tow-in adjustment if necessary

Place the car on a control surface, with sliding plates under all the wheels.Prepare the vehicle in standard load condition A (empty with full fuel tank).Check that the tyre pressures are correct.CHECKING WHEEL GEOMETRY If the front wheel toe-in is not correct, adjust it as described below.Straighten the steering wheel perfectly, and lock it in this position with a suitable tool.Loosen the steering box gaiter clips on the steering tie-rods.1. Slacken the steering tie-rod nuts.2. Screw or unscrew the steering tie-rods until the specified toe-in is obtaIned, keeping the front wheels aligned.
Tighten the tie-rod nuts to the specified torque.

-NutADJUSTABLE STEERING LINKSM14(Power assisted steering box side) 4.5 ÷ 5.5
Tighten the steering box gaiter slips on the tie-rods.Remove the steering lock.