1Remove the battery cover.Check visually to ensure the battery terminals are not oxidisedClean the layer of oxidation from the terminals
2The water gauge (magic eye) should not be white indicating that the electrolyte level is too low.Replace the battery    Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R
3The plugs or caps should not be damaged or incorrectly positionedReplace the battery    Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R
4There should be no damage to the main body of the battery, the cover or the terminalsReplace the battery    Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R
5There should be no signs of electrolyte escaping from the battery (wet areas or large salt deposits)Clean the area involved and top up to the correct level
6Check that the vehicle has not been used for at least 30 minutes.Disconnect the negative terminal and check the battery charge using the MICRO 360 equipment, tool code 1806367006, making sure that it is connected directly to the battery terminals.The equipment will give one of the following signals "CHARGE RETEST" or "BATT. OK+RECHARGE" or the display will remain off.Move on to Step 11Move on to Step 7
7The equipment will give one of the following signals "REPLACE BATT." or "CELL SHORT". Go on to Step 10Move on to Step 8
8Check the electrical connections for the supply circuit are correct with particular reference to the power supplies and earths    See E1010 POWER SUPPLY Restore the correct connections    See E1010 POWER SUPPLY
9Reconnect or refit the battery on the vehicle and try and start the engine several times (at least 6 or 7) with about 4-5 seconds between each attempt.Make sure that the engine starts successfully each time.The test can be considered overContinue with Step 8    See Test 5530BB BATTERY VOLTAGE CHECK
10Replace the battery    Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R The test can be considered over
11Rechare the battery using tool 1806151001
12Check the battery charge using the MICRO 360 equipment, tool code 1806367006, making sure that it is connected directly to the battery terminals.The equipment will give one of the following signals "RETEST CHARGE." or "REPLACE BATT." or "CELL SHORT" or the display will remain offMove on to Step 9Move on to Step 10