Removing ( Refitting )     Op. 0010T84 COOLANT FOR AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM - DEHYDRATE AND REPRESSURIZE     Op. 0010T20 ENGINE COOLANT - CHANGE     Op. 0010T40 CHANGE MANUAL GEARBOX OIL     Op. 4450B12 FRONT WHEELS (TWO) - R+R     Op. 7055B90 LEFT FRONT WHEEL ARCH LINER - R.R.     Op. 7055B91 RIGHT FRONT WHEEL ARCH LINER - R.R.     Op. 7055B65 ENGINE COMPARTMENT DUST COVER IN LEFT FRONT WHEEL ARCH - R.R.     Op. 7055B66 ENGINE COMPARTMENT DUST COVER IN RIGHT FRONT WHEEL ARCH - R.R.     Op. 7210E10 R.R. FRONT BUMPER     Op. 5530B10 BATTERY - R+R     Op. 5530B52 BATTERY SUPPORT/DRIP TRAY - R.R     Op. 5540B81 LEFT GAS DISCHARGE LIGHT CLUSTER - R.R.    Op. 5540B82 RIGHT GAS DISCHARGE LIGHT CLUSTER - R.R.    Op. 7210A15 R.R. FRONT WING/HEADLAMP HOUSING CROSSMEMBER    Op. 7210A18 R.R FRONT CROSSMEMBER - Open the clips securing the wiring to the engine cooling radiator assembly.- Draw off the power assisted steering fluid from the reservoir using a suitable syringe.1. Loosen the band and disconnect the flexible power assisted steering fluid pipe from the pump intake connector and collect the remaining fluid in a suitable container.2. Undo the nut securing the air conditioning refrigerant fluid return pipe intermediate flange.
1. Aprire il coperchio della scatola “centralina fusibili e teleruttori” e scollegare la connessione (1a), la connessione (1b) e sfilare dalla sua sede il teleruttore (1c).
1. Undo the nut and disconnect the earth lead.
1Earth on engine    See C040 ENGINE EARTH
1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the left head Lambda sensor on the precatalyzer.
1Sonda lambda su precatalizzatore-2    See K016 LAMBDA SENSOR ON PRE-CATALYZER -2
1. Disconnect the engine coolant hose from the radiator upper connector.2. Undo the nuts and disconnect the air conditioning system refrigerant pipes from the condenser.
1. Disconnect the engine coolant hose from the radiator lower connector.
- Remove the engine cooling radiator assembly.1. Undo the fixing bolts and remove the two engine coolant radiator assembly supports.
1. Undo the bolt and disconnect the supply and return pipes from the air conditioning compressor and remove them.
1. Undo the bolt for the connector and disconnect the power assisted steering fluid supply pipe from the pump.
1. Undo the bolt fixing the power assisted steering fluid rigid supply pipe to the suspension crossmember.2. Open the clips securing the engine coolant pipe.3. Undo the bolts fixing the power assisted steering fluid rigid supply pipe to the suspension crossmember and move it to one side.
1. Unscrew the anti-theft siren fixing bolts and move it to one side.
- Undo the brake/clutch fluid reservoir plug and tighten the cap.
2000001400PlugBrake/ clutch system vacuum
1. Undo the nut fixing the starter motor and alternator supply leads to the battery positive.
1. Lift up the fastening clip and disconnect the clutch fluid pipe from the three-way connector.2. Disconnect the electrical connection for the reversing switch.
2Reversing lights switch    See I020 REVERSING LIGHTS SWITCH
3. Undo the bolt and release the earth lead from the gearbox.4. Loosen the band and disconnect the engine cooling system supply pipe from the pump rigid intake pipe.5. Lift up the gear selector lever and lock it in the position illustrated using a suitable peg.
1. Disconnect the terminals of the cables from the levers for the gear selection-engagement assembly.2. Agire sulle mollette (2a) e rimuovere i flessibili di selezione-innesto marce (2b) dalla staffa di reazione.
1. Loosen the band and disconnect the degassing pipe from the engine coolant reservoir.2. Undo the nuts securing the engine coolant reservoir and remove it.
1. Loosen the band and disconnect the brake servo vacuum pipe from the intake chamber.2. Disconnect the electrical connection for the Lambda sensor upstream of the catalytic converter, right head.
2Lambda sensor on pre-catalyzer    See K015 LAMBDA SENSOR ON PRE-CATALYZER
1. Disconnect the water supply and return pipes from the heater.
1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the flow meter.
1Air flow meter    See K041 AIR FLOW METER
2. Allentare le fascette (2a) e rimuovere il manicotto corrugato aria al cassoncino (2b) completo di debimetro.
1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the throttle casing.
1Integrated throttle casing actuator    See N075 THROTTLE BODY ACTUATOR
1. Disconnect the electrical connection for the air pressure sensor on the intake chamber.
1Absolute pressure sensor    See K048 ABSOLUTE PRESSURE SENSOR
2. Disconnect the rapid connector for the engine oil vapour recovery pipe from the right cylinder head.3. Disconnect the electrical connection for the intake chamber fuel vapour flow enablement solenoid valve.
3Fuel vapour recovery solenoid valve    See L010 FUEL VAPOUR RECOVERY SOLENOID VALVE
4. Disconnect the rapid connector for the fuel vapour pipe from the intake chamber fuel vapour flow enablement solenoid valve.
1. Undo the bolts fixing the wiring bracket to the intake chamber.2. Undo the bolts fixing the intake chamber and remove it.
- Undo the nut fixing the power assisted steering fluid return pipe.1. Disconnect the rapid connector for the fuel return pipe from the three-way connector.2. Disconnect the rapid connector for the fuel supply pipe from the spherical connector.3. Undo the bolts fixing the right head catalytic preconverter to the front exhaust pipe.
1. Undo the bolts fixing the left head catalytic preconverter to the front exhaust pipe.
1. Undo the fastenings securing the catalyzer assembly to the mounting bracket.2. Undo the bolts securing the catalyzer assembly mounting bracket to the bodyshell and remove it.- Remove the gaskets.
1. Undo the nuts fixing the front exhaust pipes to the catalytic converter flange and then remove them.
1. Mark the position of the two flanges connecting the rear drive idler casing to the propeller shaft.2. Undo the bolts fixing the two flanges connecting the rear drive idler casing to the propeller shaft.
1. Undo the nut fixing the left steering rod to the steering knuckle.2. Scollegare il tirante sterzo sinistro (2a) dal montante ruota con l’attrezzo (2b).
1871000700ExtractorExtracting steering rod from steering knuckle
1. Undo the lower bolt securing the forkv to the lower track control arm.2. Undo the nut and disconnect the left front steering knuckle from the upper track control arm.- Retract the left front driveshaft to release it from the differential. Secure the steering knuckle to the upper track control arm.
1. Rimuovere le due acciaccature e svitare il dado (1a) di fissaggio mozzo ruota anteriore destro al semialbero utilizzando l’attrezzo (1b) come anticoppia.
1870815000Counter-torqueLoosen/ tighten the nut fixing the right front wheel hub to the driveshaftLoosen/ tighten bolts securing the water pump
1. Undo the nut fixing the right steering rod to the steering knuckle.2. Scollegare il tirante sterzo destro (2a) dal montante ruota con l’attrezzo (2b).
1871000700ExtractorExtracting steering rod from steering knuckle
1. Undo the nut fixing the joint for the anti-roll bar to the right front shock absorber fork.2. Undo the two bolts fixing the fork to the shock absorber and to the lower track control arm and remove it.3. Undo the nut fixing the right front steering knuckle to the upper track control arm.
- Undo the bolt fixing the brake disc to the wheel hub.1. Use the tool to move the driveshaft back from the right front wheel hub.
2000001600ExtractorRetract driveshaft from front wheel hub
1. Disconnect the right front driveshaft from the differential and remove it.
- Position a hydraulic jack underneath the gearbox to remove the two lower reaction rods as described below.1. Undo the fastenings securing the engine side lower reaction rod to the front suspension frame and to the oil sump and remove it.
1. Undo the fastenings securing the gearbox side lower reaction rod to the front suspension frame and to the gearbox and remove it.
- Remove the hydraulic jack positioned previously underneath the gearbox1. Utilizzando una gru idraulica (1a) e l’attrezzo (1b) collegato alle staffe (1c), sostenere il gruppo motopropulsore.
1871001700BalanceRemoving/ refitting power unit
1. Undo the bolts fixing the rigid power unit support to the gearbox.2. Svitare le viti (2a) di fissaggio tassello elastico al supporto rigido; rimuovere il supporto rigido (2b) dal cambio.3. Svitare le viti (3a) di fissaggio tassello elastico (3b) alla scocca e rimuoverlo.
1. Undo the bolts fixing the power unit flexible mounting, timing side and remove it.
1. Using the hydraulic hoist, remove the power unit from the engine compartment and place it on a suitable bench.
- Release the power unit from the support tools. Refitting ( Removing ) - Replace the power unit in the engine compartment using a hydraulic hoist.- Place the timing side power unit flexible mounting in its housing and secure it tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdiaValue (daNm)Validity
Timing side flexible mounting to rigid supportBolt (to be replaced)M126.3 ÷ 7.7 + 90°
ComponentFasteningdiaValue (daNm)Validity
Timing side flexible mounting to bodyshellBolt (to be replaced)M126.3 ÷ 7.7 + 90°
ComponentFasteningdiaValue (daNm)Validity
Timing side flexible mounting to bodyshellBoltM105.4 ÷ 6.6
- Place the flexible mounting in its housing and secure it to the bodyshell and to the gearbox side power unit rigid support tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdiaValue (daNm)Validity
Gearbox side flexible mounting to bodyshellBoltM105.4 ÷ 6.6
ComponentFasteningdiaValue (daNm)Validity
Gearbox side flexible mounting to supportBolt (to be replaced)M126.3 ÷ 7.7 + 45°
- Remove the hydraulid hoist using the engine lifting tool.- Place the gearbox side lower reaction rod in its housing and secure it to the suspension frame and to the gearbox tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdiaValue (daNm)Validity
Gearbox side lower reaction rod to front suspension frameBolt (to be replaced)M126.3 ÷ 7.7 + 60°
ComponentFasteningdiaValue (daNm)Validity
Gearbox side lower reaction rod to gearboxBoltM105.4 ÷ 6.6
- Place the engine side lower reaction rod in its housing and secure it to the suspension frame and to the oil sump tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdiaValue (daNm)Validity
Engine side lower reaction rod to front suspension frameBolt (to be replaced)M126.3 ÷ 7.7 + 60°
ComponentFasteningdiaValue (daNm)Validity
Engine side lower reaction rod to engineBoltM105.4 ÷ 6.6
- Tighten the bolt fixing the front brake disc to the wheel hub.- Place the right front driveshaft back in its housing.- Tighten the nut fixing the right front steering knuckle to the upper track control arm to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Front wheel steering knuckle to upper track control armNutM104.1 ÷ 4.9
- Place the right front shock absorber fork in position and secure it to the lower track control arm and to the shock absorber tightening the bolts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Lower fork connecting front suspension shock absorber to lower track control arm - lower track control arm sideBolt (to be replaced)M144.5 ÷ 5.5 + 90°
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Lower fork connecting front suspension shock absorber to lower track control arm - shock absorber sideBoltM126.3 ÷ 7.7
- Connect the anti-roll bar to the right shock absorber fork and secure it tightening the nut to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Front suspension anti-roll barRear bolt (to be replaced)M127.2 ÷ 8.8 + 90°
- Connect the right steering link to the steering knuckle and secure by tightening the nut to the specified torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Steering rod to steering knuckleNutM129.0 ÷ 11.0
- Using the counter-torque tool used for the removal, tighten a new nut securing the right front hub to the driveshaft to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Front wheel hubNutM24see operation 4450C28
- Stake the nut collar twice.- Place the left front driveshaft back in its housing.- Connect and tighten the nut fixing the left front steering knuckle to the upper track control arm to torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Front wheel steering knuckle to upper track control armNutM104.1 ÷ 4.9
- Connect and tighten the bolt fixing the left front shock absorber fork to the lower track control arm to torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Lower fork connecting front suspension shock absorber to lower track control arm - lower track control arm sideBolt (to be replaced)M144.5 ÷ 5.5 + 90°
- Connect the left steering link to the steering knuckle and tighten the nut to the specified torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Steering rod to steering knuckleNutM129.0 ÷ 11.0
- Refit the propeller shaft in its seat, aligning the reference marks made on removal.- Tighten the front constant velocity joint bolts to the PTU to the specified torque in a cross sequence.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Propeller shaft - rear drive idler casing sideBoltM83.1 ÷ 3.73.2 JTS
- Place the front drainage pipes complete with seals in their housings and connect them to the catalytic converters tightening the nuts to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Front exhaust pipe to catalyzer assemblyNutM82.2 ÷ 2.63.2 JTS
- Place the catalyzer mounting bracket in its housing and secure it using the bolts.- Connect the catalyzers to the mounting bracket using the nuts.- Tighten the bolts fixing the left head catalytic preconverter to the front exhaust pipe to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Front exhaust pipe to precatalyzerBoltM82.2 ÷ 2.63.2 JTS
- Tighten the bolts fixing the right head catalytic preconverter to the front exhaust pipe to the recommended torque.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Front exhaust pipe to precatalyzerBoltM82.2 ÷ 2.63.2 JTS
- Connect the fuel supply pipe rapid connector.- Connect the fuel return pipe rapid connector.- Tighten the nut fixing the power assisted steering fluid return pipe to the bracket.- Fit the intake chamber and secure it using the bolts.
ComponentFasteningdia  Value (daNm)Validity
Air chamberBolt-2.33.2 JTS
- Connect the rapid connector for the fuel vapour pipe to the solenoid valve.- Connect the electrical connection for the fuel vapour solenoid valve.- Connect the rapid connector for the oil vapour recovery pipe to the right cylinder head.- Connect the electrical connection for the air pressure sensor on the intake chamber.- Connect the electrical connection for the throttle casing.- Place the corrugated hose complete with flow meter back in its housing and tighten the bands.- Connect the electrical connection for the flow meter.- Connect the heater supply and return pipes.- Connect the electrical connections for the Lambda sensors upstream of the catalytic preconverters.- Connect and fasten the brake servo vacuum pipe using the band, intake chamber side.- Place the engine coolant reservoir back in its housing and secure it using the nuts.- Connect the degassing pipe to the engine coolant reservoir and fasten it using the band.- Connect the ends of the gear selection-engagement cables to the gear selection-engagement levers.- Fasten the gear selection-engagement cables to the reaction bracket using the retaining clips.- Remove the peg locking the gear selector lever.- Connect the system supply pipe using the band, pump rigid inlet pipe side.- Connect the earth lead to the gearbox and secure it using the bolt.- Connect the electrical connection for the reversing switch.
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